Tuesday, 27 September 2016

Hour 27: Seth Godin's Start Up School Episode 7

Seth Godin’s Start up School - Episode 7
The episode was titled Advertising and Competitors, but in typical Seth Godin form, he covers a lot more than just advertising and competitors. 
He talked about a study called the Stanford Marshmallow Experiment, where a group of three year olds were placed in a room individually and a marshmallow was placed in front of them on a table. 
The Scientists left the room for five minutes, but before leaving they told each child that they if they didn’t eat the marshmallow they would be given two marshmallows as a reward. 
30 years later they noticed that the children that didn’t eat the marshmallow were far more successful in life than the children that did each the marshmallow. They had better school grades, better jobs and careers and more successful marriages. 
Link to Stanford Marshmallow Experiment: http://bit.ly/1D3xDlQ
The point Seth was trying to make was delayed satisfaction / gratification cannot be taught to a three year old, it’s a built-in trait, however it can be taught to an adult. 
What marshmallows are you eating today? What areas of your life are failing you because you cash in too early. Is it your savings, your education, or maybe a career move? 

Webpage link: http://bit.ly/2dr514y
Dr. Tyson E. Franklin

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