Thursday, 29 September 2016

Hour 29 - You're Welcome Podcast with Chael Sonnen

Your Welcome Podcast with MMA Fighter Chael Sonnen. 
Chanel Sonnen was discussing fighter contracts with Ariel Helwani and the topic of discussion was about fighters negotiating a contract and then complain about the terms afterwards. 
So the takeaway point I wan’t to share is this: never sign a contract unless you are truly happy with it, and if you do decide to sign the contract, don’t complain about it afterwards.
Remember you’re the one that signed it, so in the end you have to live with the consequences.  
Link to podcast:
Dr. Tyson E. Franklin

Wednesday, 28 September 2016

Hour 28 - Health Habits For Busy Entrepreneurs

Denise Griffitts Podcast: Health Habits For Busy Entrepreneurs. Denise interviews Dr. Michele Summers Colon, who is a physician, surgeon, health coach, yoga teacher, anatomy instructor, author and overall health & wellness expert. She is known as The Holistic Podiatrist of Southern California. 
Link to Dr. Michele Summers Colon webpage:
Of course they discuss your diet, what you eat and drink, your sleeping patterns, stress and meditating, but the tip I wanted to share relates to listening to your body. 
Your body gives you signs and signals when it’s not functioning correctly and you need to pay attention to what your body is telling you. 
If you have a headache, don’t just take a pill, you may simply need water. If your feeling stressed  you need to just stop and rest, you need to switch your mind off, and this doesn’t mean going for a walk and listening to a business podcast. This doesn’t apply to me though because I feel great. 

Dr. Tyson E. Franklin

Tuesday, 27 September 2016

Hour 27: Seth Godin's Start Up School Episode 7

Seth Godin’s Start up School - Episode 7
The episode was titled Advertising and Competitors, but in typical Seth Godin form, he covers a lot more than just advertising and competitors. 
He talked about a study called the Stanford Marshmallow Experiment, where a group of three year olds were placed in a room individually and a marshmallow was placed in front of them on a table. 
The Scientists left the room for five minutes, but before leaving they told each child that they if they didn’t eat the marshmallow they would be given two marshmallows as a reward. 
30 years later they noticed that the children that didn’t eat the marshmallow were far more successful in life than the children that did each the marshmallow. They had better school grades, better jobs and careers and more successful marriages. 
Link to Stanford Marshmallow Experiment:
The point Seth was trying to make was delayed satisfaction / gratification cannot be taught to a three year old, it’s a built-in trait, however it can be taught to an adult. 
What marshmallows are you eating today? What areas of your life are failing you because you cash in too early. Is it your savings, your education, or maybe a career move? 

Webpage link:
Dr. Tyson E. Franklin

Hour 26 - Discipline, Leadership & Overcoming Doubt

HOUR 26: In this podcast, The Tim Ferriss Show, Episode 187 - Jocko Willing (Retired Navy Seal) discusses Discipline, Leadership and Overcoming Doubt.

Jocko was asked, how does he handle internal doubt?

His answer was surprising. I thought he would’ve said he never had doubt, because he shows so much confidence, however he said that internal doubt was a good thing and it’s a sign of humility.

Internal doubt is the thing that keeps you awake at night. It’s the thing that makes you prepare and work harder, because you want to be better.

Sometimes people lose sleep over internal doubt, worrying about things that are out of your control. He said you have to stop doing this, because if you cannot change it, then why worry about it…it’s out of your hands.

Therefore internal doubt is good…it will make you better and it will make you try harder.

Podcast link:

Episode link:


Dr. Tyson E. Franklin

Monday, 26 September 2016

Hour 25: 5 Things My Dad Taught Me About Business

The Savvy Dentist Podcast with Dr. Jesse Green, Episode 29: 5 Things My Dad Taught Me About Business.

In this particular podcast Dr. Jesse Green shares 5 things he learnt from his dad that he now manages to apply to his life and his very successful dental business.

So here’s the point I want to share: What knowledge or beliefs have we picked up from our own parents, and which ones are we passing onto our own children?

Remember, children silently observe everything we do!!!!

Dr. Tyson E. Franklin




Sunday, 25 September 2016

Hour 24: Future Sandwich - Relearning Education

Future Sandwich Podcast: Have a Sandwich with the people making the future happen today.
Tommy McCubbin is the host and the episode was titled Relearning Education.
Our current education system was designed well over 100 years ago…with one goal in mind, to educate the masses just enough so they could become factory workers. But what's really changed? 
Are we really educating, or simply taking our children to the next level, encouraging everyone to go to college and university to become white collar factory workers? 
We need to be teaching our kids to think outside the square, be creative, learn entrepreneurship, and more about business and why business is good. 
Dr. Tyson E. Franklin 

Saturday, 24 September 2016

365 Hour Mental & Physical Challenge - Hour 23

Okay, this is Hour 23: Today's podcast was by Andrew Matthews and it was called The Being Happy Podcast - Episode # 1 Can You Choose Happiness.

The answer is YES!

Happiness is just a's a mindset. To be happy you need to NOT focus on what you can’t do, and instead focus on what you can do. Don’t focus on your past, something that you cannot change, instead focus on what you can change and improve upon in the future.

Put those two things together and you’ll live and lead a much happier life and you'll be the sort of person people want to be around.

And to be happy and to have fun you don't need to spend a lot of money. Happiness doesn't have to be extravagant. For some people (the happy ones) simply being around something you enjoy doing is all they need.

For you it may be water (I love being around water), or it could be hanging out with good friends and family. There may even be things about your work you really enjoy. The key is to find the good in everything, focus on the positive and choose to be happy.

Link to podcast:




Dr. Tyson E. Franklin

Friday, 23 September 2016

365 Hour Mental & Physical Challenge - HOUR 22

Hour 22: Today I listened to an audio recording, not a podcast, from Top Practices, which is a podiatry marketing group that I've been a member of since 2013, and on this particular recording Rem Jackson and Dave Frees were discussing the book Think and Grown Rich, by Napoleon Hill. 

I read this book when I was in my twenties and even though it was written in 1937, making the book almost 80 years was very relevant. 

The takeaway point I wanted to share is: You must be very mindful about how you think and how you talk to yourself, because your subconscious mind will do it’s best to make it a reality, both negatively or positively. 

Rem Jackson also made a comment towards the end of the audio, that I thought was a gem worth sharing - “Money won’t make you happy, but being happy will make you money”


Dr. Tyson E. Franklin

If you're a podiatrist and you want to know more about becoming a member of Top Practices visit and if you live in Australia it's best to contact me directly by email

Thursday, 22 September 2016

365 Hour Mental & Physical Challenge - Hour 21

She openly shares her fathers philosophies. 
My biggest takeaway point - Simplicity is the easiest way to move from point A to point B...remove the clutter, hack away anything that is not necessary, cut everything back to their purest form. 
If you're developing systems at work - keep them simple, break them down and HACK away all the unwanted fanfare. 
Remove clutter from your life, including your house and office. Remove what is not necessary. 
Bruce Lee did this with martial arts…he removed everything that was a waste of time and only used what was necessary…BUT, he also believed you needed to become a master at the basics before making shortcuts. 
If you have the time, read the podcast show notes, because Bruce Lee's thinking was way ahead of his time and he was truly the originator of todays MMA (Mixed Martial Arts). 
Dr. Tyson E. Franklin

Wednesday, 21 September 2016

365 Hour Mental & Physical Challenge - Hour 20

Hour 20: Today I listened to the DENT PODCAST Ep: 21 Glen Carlson​ interviewing  Ronsley Vaz​. Ronsley discussed many topics during this interview, including his journey into podcasting, how he deals with potential clients, how content can create business and the 'big question' everyone asks, "How do you make money from podcasting"?

Ronsley shared a lot of advice but what I found most interesting was when he mentioned the 80:20 rule when it came to creating content and marketing your content.

His advice was you should be spending 20% of your time putting your content together (video, audio, written) and 80% of your time should be spent marketing this content. Creating content and not marketing your content is a waste of time and money.

Content will not market itself, therefore you must put in some work and you need to develop a marketing framework to follow.

SO HERE'S TODAYS TIP: If you create content (video, audio, written) spend 20% putting it together and then 80% marketing the hell out of it.

Here's the podcast link on iTunes:

Here's the link to alternative downloads:

To see previous recordings HOURS 1 - 19 please visit my YOUTUBE Channel:


Dr. Tyson E. Franklin

Tuesday, 20 September 2016

365 Hour Mental & Physical Challenge - Hour 19

HOUR 19: The Howie Games - Episode 2

The host of the show Mark Howard interviewed Aussie boxing legend Danny Green, the Green Machine. 
I've heard Danny Green being interviewed before but I never realised that he was his own manager and promoter, and he did this because he felt it was his body, his health and his future on the line and therefore he needed to be responsible for his own long-term financial future. 
Too often fighters get over managed and do get ripped off, but boxing does get a bad rap compared to other sports and careers. 

Here's the tip I want to share: If you make good money, make sure you know where it's going and don’t leave your financial wellbeing in the hands of others. 
Dr. Tyson E. Franklin

Monday, 19 September 2016

365 Hour Mental & Physical Challenge - Hour 18

HOUR 18: Todays Podcast: Ziglar True Performance Show - Episode 395 
Usually the show is hosted by Kevin Miller and Tom Ziglar but for this episode Kevin is joined by his dad Dan Miller (Author of 48 Days to the Work You Love), and they discuss - Deciding which idea to pursue. 
Dan Miller was saying it's fantastic when you have multiple options or ideas available, because for many people they get to a certain stage in their life and they don't know what to do next. 
Todays biggest takeaway: Make sure your personality matches the profession you’ve chosen. Some people make a massive amount of money (in high paying jobs), and are very good at what they do, but feel sick Monday morning having to go to work. 
I’VE BEEN THERE!!!!!!!!!! I know exactly how it feels. 
This happens because there’s an Internal Mismatch, so make sure whatever you’re doing - there’s a passion that burns inside you that drives you every day. 
He also discussed keeping hobbies as hobbies. Kevin Miller gave a really good example about building wooden furniture. He loves making furniture, but when he was asked to make something for someone else he had no drive to do it, even though there money to be made. 
He worked out quickly that he had a passion to make furniture as a hobby but not as a job. 
Dr. Tyson E. Franklin 

Sunday, 18 September 2016

365 Hour Mental & Physical Challenge - Hour 17

Today I listened to the Foster Web Marketing podcast with Tom Foster interviewing Ben glass from Great Legal Marketing.

The biggest take away point was that marketing is a journey, not a sprint. How we market our businesses today is so much different to what we did ten years ago, and it will be different again in another five years.

Who would have thought that social media would be so dominant. Facebook, Instagram, etc are such a big part of every businesses marketing strategy, but it never use to be this way, but this is why your business must adapt to the changes as they take place. Don't put your head in the sand.


Dr. Tyson E. Franklin

Follow my 365 Hour Mental and Physical Challenge on Facebook

Saturday, 17 September 2016

365 Hour Mental & Physical Challenge - Hour 16

Hour 16: Todays Podcast was Vroom Vroom Veer with Jeff Smith – interviewing Dave Sanderson who was the last person off the plane that crashed into the Hudson River January 15 2009. 
His tip – no matter who you are…when the shit hits the fan you need to leave your EGO at the door. 
When the plane went down, it didn’t matter if you were black, white, straight or gay, etc etc…ego’s and biases were not going to serve you.  
He also told a great story about Bill Marriott. One of his first jobs was in restaurant management and on one Christmas Eve he was working at a Marriott hotel and in walked Bill Marriott (yes the owner of the Marriott chain), and ask Dave if he needed any help, as he noticed he was busy and understaffed. 
Dave said he, I need someone to make the fries, so Bill put on an apron and got to work. He also told his entourage who were standing around to go and wait tables and help out. 
He went on to tell Dave that no matter who you are or how big you become, not job is too small or meaningless. 
Dr. Tyson E. Franklin 

p.s. One warning with this particular podcast episode - the opening two or three minutes is self serving, irrelevant, nonsense and dribble. I haven't listened to other episodes yet to work out if this the norm, or a one off, but it almost made me turn it off and change to another podcast. So fast forward the beginning and go straight to the interview. 

Friday, 16 September 2016

365 Hour Mental & Physical Challenge - Hour 15

Hour 15: This recording was from October 2013 and Denise Griffitts is interviewing Jim Palmer, the Newsletter Guru and Dream Business Coach.

Together they were discussing commitment. Too often people want to change direction in their life and careers, yet they fail to give it the effort it deserves.

They think by putting their toe in the water and just seeing if it looks and feels okay is enough...and it's not. If you want to succeed in anything you do, you have to commit 100%, not 90% or has to be whole hearted.

Only then will success come you way.


Dr. Tyson E. Franklin

Thursday, 15 September 2016

365 Hour Mental & Physical Challenge - Hour 14

Hour 14: Today I listen to the Duct Tape Marketing Podcast with John Janstch and he was interviewing Jenny Blake, author of PIVOT: The Only Move ThatMatters is Your Next Move

Have you become bored in your current position, are you considering starting your own business or maybe you’re ready for a career change?
With every plateau there’s a pivot…and your next move is essential in determining your success.
Jenny discusses the major pivoting points in life, career development and strategic growth. Jenny use to work for Google (Career Development Program Manager) and left the corporate life in 2011 to start her own business. 
She uses a great basketball analogy to describe pivoting and your future career choices. If you're considering changing careers, I would listen to this podcast, and then buy her book. 
Your Future Is In Your Hands & No One Else's
Dr. Tyson E. Franklin

Wednesday, 14 September 2016

365 Hour Mental & Physical Challenge - Hour 13

I posted my introductory video about the 365 Hour Mental and Physical Challenge onto Instagram and after doing this I was messaged and suggested to listen to The Millennial Madness Podcast, so I did and it is a ripper.

Kevin and Drew are the co-hosts and they discussed an interesting concept about Experience and Opportunity being entwined with each other.

They gave a really good example: You may be contacted by someone and you feel you don't want to work with him or her because they're a Dickhead...and in most normal circumstances you would just say NO, but they were suggesting that you should work with them, because it will teach you how to better work with Dickheads and you don't know when you'll need to draw on that experience again in the future.


Dr. Tyson E. Franklin

Tuesday, 13 September 2016

365 Hour Mental & Physical Challenge - HOUR 12

The Small Business Success Podcast, Episode: 24 - A Profitable Punch In The Face

In this podcast Brian Young, a Canadian Painter, is being interviewed about his business and it was interesting listening to him justify why he didn't want to take his business online, or care about having a wed based presence.

He was so good at cold calling and other 'old-school' marketing techniques that he didn't feel he needed to change his marketing strategy, however over a number of years he watched his market share slowly diminish.

On one cold call he got into an altercation and was punched in the face, and it was this punch that made him start to re-think his current marketing strategies.

So I ask you this question: What are you currently doing in your business, or life, that needs to be updated, changed or thrown away altogether? What ever it is...address it right now and you'll be living a much happier life.

Until next time...stay safe and keep pursuing your goals with enthusiasm.

Dr. Tyson E. Franklin 

Monday, 12 September 2016

365 Hour Mental & Physical Challenge - Hour 11

I listened to Episode 216 of the #AskGaryVeeShow hosted by Gary Vaynerchuk and he was asked if he had a shit list? His answer was no. Why carry all that negative energy around with you all serves no purpose.

It doesn't mean you forget, but you be the bigger and more mature person and you let it go.

I've been guilty over the years of carry a lot of negative energy and Gary is never served me, and as soon as I let it go, it freed my mind and helped me focus more on what is important in my life.

If you focus on the negative, you tend to talk about the negative and this annoys the heck out of people, especially if you repeat the same problem over and over. Do you want to be known as 'that person'...the one everyone avoids because they know you're going to complain.

Be Positive Or Leave The Room

Dr. Tyson E. Franklin 

Sunday, 11 September 2016

365 Hour Mental & Physical Challenge - HOUR 10

Today I listened to episode 217 of the #AskGaryVee Podcast and he posed a very interesting question. If you could go back 10 years what would you tell yourself? What advice would you give your younger self?

Of course you cannot travel back in time, so the question really has no bearing on the past, however it does have an impact on the future. What advice would you give, and are you doing it now?

My advice: Set goals, review them on a daily basis, formulate a plan and measurable small steps along the way so you know you're on track.

Until tomorrow....Kick Doubt To the Curb.

Dr. Tyson E. Franklin

Saturday, 10 September 2016

365 Hour Mental & Physical Challenge - HOUR 9

Elevating Beyond is a podcast be Mark Minard and in this episode 115, titled Crocodile Dundee + Rocky Balboa = Dean Hawkins, he is interviewing a local Cairns lad and close friend of mine, Deano 'The Fire Guy' Hawkins.

If you've ever been knocked down, multiple times, don't use it as an excuse for failure...instead use it to elevate yourself.

The Past Does Not Equal The Future

Dr. Tyson E. Franklin

Friday, 9 September 2016

365 Hour Mental and Physical Challenge - Hour 8

HOUR 8: Podcast: Duct Tape Marketing titled ‘I know you’re tired of hearing about content but’, and they interviewed Rachael Parker, author of The Content Coach. 

The main point was you need content…and bad content is better than no content and if you can’t write or do a blog…outsource it. 

My thoughts: 
Today I did up a SPREADSHEET where I planned out which video I was shooting (Hour), which video needed editing, and which was ready to post.  I also added in a weekly review schedule. 

I also decided that my personal LINKEDIN profile was a good platform to post my videos. 

Also decided today to start this JOURNAL – to document my thoughts 

Dr. Tyson E. Franklin

Thursday, 8 September 2016

365 Hour Mental & Physical Challenge - Hour 7

HOUR 7 of the 365 Hour Mental & Physical Challenge

In this video I share a tip I picked up from Timbo Reids podcast - The Small Business Big Marketing Show, and he was interviewing Daniel Gibbs, a Podiatrist from Adelaide.

Daniel had a goal of setting up the best podiatry business and this was the tip I wanted to share today. To be the best, you have to have a goal of wanting to be the best, regardless of the type of business or industry you're in.

Live Life To The fullest

Dr. Tyson E. Franklin

Wednesday, 7 September 2016

365 Hour Mental & Physical Challenge - HOUR 6

Today podcast is by Seth Godin – Start Up BusinessSchool Ep1: Freelancer or Entrepreneur

WOW!!! I never looked at it this way before. If you get paid for
your time – you’re a Freelancer, and if you’re growing something that is bigger than
you…you’re an Entrepreneur.

Seth said he is still a Freelancer 80% of the time and an Entrepreneur 20% of the time, which surprised me. It's a great podcast series. 

Have an awesome day
Dr. Tyson E. Franklin 

Tuesday, 6 September 2016

365 Hour Mental & Physical Challenge - HOUR 5

Today I was joined by my daughter Tia for my 1-Hour walk, but I told her that she had to listen to the podcast with me. She agreed and loved it.

Today's podcast was another one from Brendon Burchard - THE CHARGED LIFE, titled "How To Deal With Negative People.

Both Tia and I shared one take away today you're getting two take away points (A bonus point).

Watch the video and if you have any feedback please leave a comment on Youtube, and if you get the time you can follow me on the 365 Hour Mental & Physical Challenge Facebook Page.

Show love to everyone you meet

Dr. Tyson E. Franklin

Monday, 5 September 2016

365 Hour Mental & Physical Challenge - HOUR 4

Hour 4 - 365 Hour Mental & Physical Challenge.

During this walk I listened to a podcast called The Charged Life with Brendon Burchard and he's talking about bring joy into every situation.

Be the person that people like to see enter a room. Before you sit at a table with friends, think of something funny or light hearted to say that will bring a smile to everyone's face. Basically bring joy!!!

Not only will they feel better, but you will feel better as well.

Everyday is a great day!

Dr. Tyson E. Franklin

Sunday, 4 September 2016

365 Hour Mental & Physical Challenge - Hour 3

Hour 3 of my 365 Hour Mental & Physical Challenge: In this video I discuss a podcast called Should I Start A Podcast by Ronsley Vaz, and he is interviewing Yenny Stromgren. 

Here enthusiasm is contagious and when they start talking about her favourite Apps, well it goes to a whole new level.

My take away point from the video was this: ASK FOR REFERRALS.

Yenny explains that whenever she has a guest, she asks them for a referral to someone else and this is how she finds great guest for her own podcast. How simple is that?

Until tomorrow...stay safe and always look towards the future, not the past.

Dr Tyson E. Franklin

365 Hour Mental & Physical Challenge - HOUR 2

This is HOUR 2 and the podcast is called The Lions Den For Business Men and a friend Dave Frees is being interviewed.

There an endless amount of advice on this podcast and if you're female...forget about the title, don't let it distract you from the quality content.

Todays takeaway point:

* You need to put value on your time and charge accordingly. Charge what you are worth, not what other people are saying your worth. The market will tell you your true value.

Dave also talks about his seminars and which I will be attending again this year in Arizona.


Dr. Tyson E. Franklin

365 Hour Mental & Physical Challenge - HOUR 1

HOUR 1: The Savvy Dentist:

Okay so I've started my first 1 hour walk and I listened to a Podcast by Dr Jesse Green, The Savvy Dentist - Episode 26 with Natasha Hawker. The recordings will get better...I promise. 

This particular podcast focuses on HR...that area in business we try to avoid, but if we get it wrong we also get our butts kicked, so if you employ people, even just one person, you need to listen to this episode more than once.

Life is FUN!!!

Dr. Tyson E. Franklin

06/05/17 - I've just completed Hour 250 and thought I would go back a look at some of my earlier video. Little did I know what was ahead of me. It's been harder than expected some days, but still very rewarding. Tyson 

365 Hour Mental & Physical Challenge - Intro Video

What is the 365 Hour Mental & Physical Challenge? Well i've hot 50 years of age and my most competitive sporting days are well behind me, so I needed a challenge.

The concept: I am going to walk for 365 hours over a one year period. Sounds easy enough...that's just one hour per day, every day of the year, but I'm sure there will be a few obstacles along the way. I live in the tropics, so this means hot, humid weather and a lot of rain in the wet seasons, plus the occasional cyclone.

I also need to take into account overseas travel, conferences and time zone changes.

In addition to walking, which is the physical side of the challenge, I must also listen to one podcast and towards the end of each walk I must shoot a 60 - 90 second video discussing one take away point learnt.

I'm really looking forward to the future. I know there will be both mental and physical benefits, but I can't wait to see what new skills I learn, not just from the podcasts, but what I learn by having to shoot and edit my videos 365 times over the next year.

Finally, I hope this 'simple idea' challenges others to do the same and if you get a chance please check out the 365 Hour Mental & Physical Challenge Facebook Page

Live Life To The Fullest

Dr. Tyson E. Franklin