Saturday, 29 October 2016

Hour 58 - The Power of Acceptance

HOUR 58: The Being Happy podcast, Episode 5 - The Power of Acceptance with Andrew Matthews. 

Very simple message today: Throughout life there are things you cannot change, and if you cannot change them you need to learn to accept them and then work on the thing you can change. 

He was asked if acceptance is being negative and a sign of giving up and he said ‘NO’. 

Acceptance is not about giving up, it’s about realising the truth, it’s a reality check. There’s somethings in life you simply cannot change, such as your height, your family, etc, so why worry about them, or let them limit your success. 

You cannot change what you cannot change, so accept it. 

So instead work on the things you can change, like you attitude towards life, your circle of friends, maybe your weight, employment and your bank balance. These are all in your control. 



Dr. Tyson E. Franklin

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