Hour 49: The Ready To Soar Podcast Series with Naomi Simson, Episode 1: Ready to Dream and Episode 2: Ready To Take The First Steps.
These are short podcasts and they follow on from each other, so it made sense to review two at the same time. I’ll do the same with episodes 3 and 4 in the near future.
Todays Takeaways:
First Takeaway: Have big goals and dreams that scare the absolute crap out of you. If your goals and dreams don’t scare you, then they’re not big enough. They’ve got to generate an emotion.
Second Takeaway: Many people let fear stop them from taking the necessary first steps into a new business venture. Naomi explained that when she started Red Balloon, she new very little about the internet and even less about online selling, but she didn’t let the unknown stop her from investigating these areas further.
Once she learnt more, she was then able to make a more educated decision to pursue or not pursue her idea.
So if the fear of ‘not knowing something' is holding you back…take the first step and start to investigate the unknown further.
iTunes link: http://apple.co/2dsfZl1
Podcast link: http://bit.ly/2dCC9EP
Naomi Simson website: http://naomisimson.com/
My Own Thoughts: 12-Months ago I knew nothing about video editing, but I really wanted to know more, so I started to investigate it further. I paid someone to show me the basics, over a four hour period, and then I went onto Youtube and watch a ton of videos on equipment setup, cameras, lighting and finally editing. Now I’m no Steven Spielberg, but I’m so much better then the 2015 version of Tyson E. Franklin and in 2017 I will be an improve version of my current self.
Dr. Tyson E. Franklin
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