Monday, 10 October 2016

Hour 39 - Procrastination

Hour 39 - Las Vegas Day 5
The Productivity Show podcast - Episode 99: Procrastination. 
I’ve listened to 39 podcasts and with this particular episode Dr. Brent Seaver and I both agreed that this was not one of the best ones…it was all over the place. It had some good tips, which we’ll share but he didn’t fulfil our expectations based on the title of the podcast episode.  
Tip # 1: You may have a large number of tasks to do and it can sometimes be overwhelming, so his advice was to just pick one and at least start on it, and make sure you go back to your task list and review it on a regular basis. Don’t wait a year review your tasks / goals, instead check and review them every 12 weeks or 90 days. 
Tip # 2: We need to learn to schedule things and break things down into smaller tasks, and you need to schedule these tasks into your diary, otherwise they’ll pass you by. If you chunk your big tasks down into smaller achievable tasks it will look far easier to complete and will reduce procrastination. 
Also, if you have similar tasks, group them together and they will be easier to complete. For example, if you’re going on a holiday and you need to book accommodation, flights, travel insurance and a few day trips, instead of trying to complete each task individually on different days, block out time to complete them all at the same time, in one time block. 
So yes, we did take away some great advice but the podcast itself is a little disjointed. 

Stitcher link:
Dr. Tyson E. Franklin

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