Saturday, 8 October 2016

Hour 37 - Simplifying Time Management

Hour 37 Las Vegas Day 3 - Podcast: The Charged Life with Brendon Burchard - ‘Simplifying Time Management’ (Dated August 15th 2016)
Today’s tips: There’s two tips because I have a guest walker, Dr. Brent Seaver
Tip # 1: At various times in your life you’re going to have different priorities. It could be family, work, or your health, so you have to learn to manage your time around those priorities as they arise. 
Tip # 2: Most people start their day in reaction, instead of being proactive. So we want to start the day with intention. The last thing you want to do is wake up and jump straight into our emails…this is reactive. 
You need to write down the top three priorities of the day and what you want to accomplish in that day, and then make them priorities and with applied intention. It’s up to us to create a disciplined life for ourselves. 

If you’d prefer to watch the video on this particular episode, here is the URL link:
Dr. Tyson E. Franklin

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