Wednesday, 13 September 2017

Hour 222 - 4 Dumb Things People Say That Prevent Us From Growing

HOUR 222: (Osaka, Japan) THE CHARGED LIFE with Brendon Burchard, Episode date: 28/03/17 - 4 Dumb Things (People Say) That Prevent Us From Growing. 
We say these four things to ourselves, sometimes without realising, and they can have a negative effect on our lives. 
We also say these four things when someone is genuinely trying to help us, which can impact our long-term goals and our dreams. 
Here They are: 
#1: I’ve tried everything. (Have you really, show me the list)
#2: That works for them, but it wouldn’t work for me. (You’ve failed even before you’ve started)
#3: You don’t understand (Most people do understand pain, and they will understand yours if you learn to communicate properly) 
#4: It’s easier said than done (This is a real negative and halts you in your tracks. Your defeated before you even get started)
If you catch yourself saying these four things…STOP!!!!

Tyson E. Franklin 

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