HOUR 144: Top Practices - MILLENNIALS with Rem Jackson and Dave Frees, PART ONE.
Firstly, I’d like to thank Rem for letting me share this audio recording. Usually only ‘Members’ of Top Practises would have access to this mindset recording, however Rem kindly let me share it with you, because it’s such an important topic for Employers to understand.
Here are my takeaway points:
- We have to stop talking negatively about millennials in a stereotypical way, because they’re listening to what we’re saying and it’s not serving us in a positive way. What we see as ignorance and arrogance, is really just self-confidence and optimism.
- When you employ a Millennial they’ll have a tendency to want to change the way things are done, or tell you how things could be done better…it’s in their nature and they’re not trying to be difficult, so it’s really important, right from the start of their employment, to have a social contract in place, meaning they agree to work in your organisation for a full 6-months before they come to you with possible changes. This will give them an opportunity to see how all processes work within your business and why things are done a particular way.
- Millennials love feedback, in fact they have a strong need for feedback, because they’ve been receiving it their whole lives from parents, teachers and coaches, so they expect it. If you don’t give feedback to a Millennial, they see this as a negative.
- Millennials see work as a means to an end, it’s not their life. Work is something they do between weekends. Baby Boomers believed working 60 hours a week was the only way to work, whereas Millennials would rather work 30 hours a week and try to work more efficiently.
- When you employ a Millennial it’s important to have a clear discussion about their future within your business. They may never see themselves as a partner of your business, it may not be their long-term goal or vision.
Please note these comments about Millennials are only generalisations and are not facts, but based on my own experiences some of them do ring true and I can see where I have made some big errors in the past.
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Dr. Tyson E. Franklin
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