Hour 131: The Small Business Success Podcast with Clate Mask and Scott Martineau, Episode 37: Always Be The Weirdo In The Room with Pamela Slim.
Pamela Slim is the author of two books, Escape The Cubicle Nation and Body Of Work, and she has a third book coming out shortly titled Where Are My People. It’s so good to not hear the word tribe.
Website: http://pamelaslim.com/
Here is today’s takeaway:
As a business person or Solo-preneur your goal is to develop three circles in your community.
- A Peer & Mentor Circle: People who are as equally driven as you are and you enjoy spending time with them and sharing ideas.
- Technical Mentors: People that have specific skills and expertise in technical areas that you may be lacking, but you need for your long-term business development.
- Your High Council of Jedi Knights: People you look up to and admire, who think way beyond the average person. They reflect your own beliefs and values.
Okay, so lets’ address being the weirdo in the room.
As a solo business owner it can get lonely, which is why people go to networking events to connect with people in your own industry. This is BORING and is not where your customers / clients are.
Instead you need to go to events and meetings where you are the weirdo, the one that stands out and does not belong, however you are also the one person in the room that has a solution to their problem. BOOM!!!
So how do you become the weirdo in the room and where do you find the right groups that have you perfect target market? Here are some steps.
- Define who you are, what are your values and what are you passionate about.
- Understand the specific problem you can solve.
- Who else solves this same problem? There will be other groups sharing the same target market.
- Where are the best places online and in-person where your target market hangs out?
- Pick the best four conferences or events where you think your target market will be and find out who else is speaking at those events. These people are influencers.
Dr. Tyson E. Franklin
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