Tuesday, 31 January 2017

HOUR 151: Restoring Sanity To The Office

HOUR 151: HBR Ideacast with Sarah Green Carmichael, Episode 557: Restoring Sanity To The Office with Jason Fried (Basecamp CEO)

Here are today’s takeaway points:
  1. The worse thing about in-office meetings are they force everyone to be on the same schedule, even if it doesn’t suit, which can be an inefficient and expensive way to communicate information to a tram. If you have 6 or 8 employees and they all give up one hour of work time to attend a meeting, that’s 6 to 8 hours of lost time and it does add up. There are more efficient ways to communicate information. 
  2. When you’re putting people together into groups to complete a particular task or project, the less people in the group, the more efficient the group will be, because there will be less people to communicate with and less scheduling required to get everyone together. 

Jason’s business: https://basecamp.com/

Dr. Tyson E. Franklin

Sunday, 29 January 2017

Hour 150: How To Set Yourself Up For Success in 2017 (Website Success)

HOUR 150: Foster Web Marketing Podcast with Tom Foster, Zach Stone and Molly, Episode date - 18/01/17: How To Set Yourself Up For Success In 2017 (Website Success)

Today’s Takeaways:

What is The Marketing Tree? The tree is your website and just like any tree, there needs to be a massive root system feeding it, otherwise it will die. Your website is no different. 
Of course you need good SEO, Content, Backlinks, etc, but the point I wanted to share is about obtaining Reviews. 

Every business needs positive online reviews, it’s that simple. Think about how you choose a restaurant? The more 4 and 5 star reviews, the more likely you are to go to that restaurant. Your business is no different. 

Therefore you need to have a processes in place to obtain good reviews, and it all starts with first obtaining feedback from your customers and clients.

You need to have a good feedback system / process in place. This gives you an opportunity to monitor responses. When you get a positive response, you can move onto the next step and request an online review. 

And if you get negative feedback, it gives you a chance to address the problem and avoid a negative review. Sometimes people just need to vent, so it’s better for them to vent to you on a feedback form, than on social media. 

Webinar Link: http://bit.ly/2khDEfL

Website: https://www.fosterwebmarketing.com/

Dr. Tyson E. Franklin

Saturday, 28 January 2017

HOUR 149: A Business Meeting About Sales and Legacy (Gary Vee Audio Expe...

HOUR 149: THE GARY VEE AUDIO EXPERIENCE - Episode date 28/1/17: A Business Meeting About Sales and Legacy. 

Today’s Takeaways:
  1. If you're being rejected by customers and clients, don't worry about it, when you’re more experienced they will come back to you and when they do you’ll be able to charge them far more.  
  2. If you gone through adversity or a difficult time in your life and have come out the other side, never forget how that felt, and use it to fuel and motivate you towards your goals and dreams. 
iTunes: http://apple.co/2kf9yth


Dr. Tyson E. Franklin

Friday, 27 January 2017

HOUR 148: How Entrepreneurs Can Turn Their Ideas Into Profitable Products

HOUR 148: EOFire podcast with John Lee Dumas, Episode 1557: How Entrepreneurs Can Turn Their Ideas Into Profitable Products, with Richie Norton, the author of The Power Of Starting Something Stupid. 

Today’s takeaway points:

1. Thinking outside the box is much easier when you never put yourself in a box. 

2. What is productivity? Productivity means getting results, getting stuff done. if you spend eight hours at work and feel you accomplished nothing, then that’s not productive. 
Parkinson’s Law: Work expands to the time it’s allotted. 

3. How he balances work and life: Everything is just a PROJECT. When a new venture or business idea begins he doesn’t let it take over his life, instead he breaks it into projects, with a start and finish, and when each project is completed he moves on. 

If you’re sad about your work life balance, then shift it. It’s in your power to make the required changes. 

A few other things I remembered after my recording:
  • Share your ideas with people, you know and trust, don’t hoard them. By sharing it will keep you accountable. 
  • Pomodoro Technique: This was mentioned yesterday and again today, so I thought it was worth mentioning. This technique involves using a timer to break work down into intervals. Traditionally it was 25 minutes, separated by short breaks, but it John Lee Dumas schedules in 4 x 45 minute work intervals per day. 

Podcast Website: http://www.eofire.com/

Ritchie: http://www.richienorton.com

Dr. Tyson E. Franklin

Hour 147: Master Productivity, Discipline & Focus with John Lee Dumas

HOUR 147: The Zig Ziglar Show with Kevin Miller and Tom Ziglar, Episode 450: Master Productivity, Discipline and Focus with John Lee Dumas. 

For those that don’t know John Lee Dumas, he’s the founder and host of the podcast Entrepreneur On Fire (EOFire), a daily podcast that interviews entrepreneurs 7 days a week. 

Today’s takeaway points:

1. When John started his podcast, he had no idea where it was going to go or how it was going to evolve, but that didn’t stop him from starting. You don’t need to see the whole staircase before taking the first step, you just need to take the first step. Fear stops a lot of people from starting. 

2. Always be a person of value, in an area you love. If you give value to the people who follow you, their questions will guide you to find solutions and will show you your true path. 

3. Successful people have far more weaknesses than strengths, however they learn to use their strengths to their advantage, and they avoid their weaknesses. 

4. Throughout the day you should have focus sessions, where you specifically focus on one task, and then follow this with a short refresh session. 

* Learn from others, but forge your own unique path.
* Model people but find your own brand. 
  • You need to scale between consuming content and producing content. When you first start out in business you’re going to consume far more content than you create, however over time and with experience the scales will start to move in the opposite direction. 

Ziglar Website: https://ziglarshow.com/

John’s Website: http://www.eofire.com/

Dr. Tyson E. Franklin

Wednesday, 25 January 2017

HOUR 146: Entrepreneurial Lesson Through Craft Beer

HOUR 146: Duct Tape Marketing with John Jantsch: Episode date 25/01/17 - Entrepreneurial  Lessons Through Craft Beer with John Couture, owner of the Bier Station, Kansas City. 

Since it is Australia Day I thought a podcast about beer was appropriate. 

Today’s takeaway points:
  1. John loved beer, and who doesn’t, but if you’re going into business it’s important to love what you do. 
  2. He also had a business plan and a business coach who had experience in the beer industry, he didn’t just use a coach giving generalised advice. 
  3. Prior to opening the Bier Station he set up a Facebook page and had over 1000 people following them before the doors even opened, which created massive word-of-mouth advertising. 
  4. When he did renovations and expansion for the business, instead of guessing what was needed, he asked his Facebook followers for ideas and received over 2000 responses. “This is a bloody brilliant idea”. 

Bier Station Website: http://bierstation.com/

Dr. Tyson E. Franklin

Hour 145: MILLENNIALS - PART TWO (Top Practices)

HOUR 145: Top Practices - MILLENNIALS with Rem Jackson and Dave Frees, PART TWO. 

Once again I’d like to thank Rem for letting me share this audio recording with the followers of my 365 Hour Challenge.

What did I learn today, other than watch out for cars coming up behind me?

1. Millennials are quite tech savvy and that’s a good thing for your business, just don’t abuse their knowledge. 

2. Millennials prefer to communicate via email instead of face-to-face, because they’re so use to doing this, however if there’s emotion or an opinion in the email, the message could be misread and misunderstood…causing problems, but this is not just a millennial problem. 

Anyone in your business who lacks training in communication will try and hide behind their email, becasue it’s easier. 

Rem’s big tip: Only use email to communicate facts, or figures. If you need to communicate anything else, especially anything that involves emotion or opinion, meet face-to-face, or at least pick up the telephone.  

Make sure you go back and listen to Part One if you haven’t already. 

Top Practices Website: http://www.toppractices.com

Top Practices Library: http://www.toppractices.com/library/

Dr. Tyson E. Franklin

Tuesday, 24 January 2017

Hour 144: MILLENNIALS - PART ONE (Top Practices)

HOUR 144: Top Practices - MILLENNIALS with Rem Jackson and Dave Frees, PART ONE. 

Firstly, I’d like to thank Rem for letting me share this audio recording. Usually only ‘Members’ of Top Practises would have access to this mindset recording, however Rem kindly let me share it with you, because it’s such an important topic for Employers to understand. 

Here are my takeaway points: 
  1. We have to stop talking negatively about millennials in a stereotypical way, because they’re listening to what we’re saying and it’s not serving us in a positive way. What we see as ignorance and arrogance, is really just self-confidence and optimism. 
  2. When you employ a Millennial they’ll have a tendency to want to change the way things are done, or tell you how things could be done better…it’s in their nature and they’re not trying to be difficult, so it’s really important, right from the start of their employment, to have a social contract in place, meaning they agree to work in your organisation for a full 6-months before they come to you with possible changes. This will give them an opportunity to see how all processes work within your business and why things are done a particular way. 
  3. Millennials love feedback, in fact they have a strong need for feedback, because they’ve been receiving it their whole lives from parents, teachers and coaches, so they expect it. If you don’t give feedback to a Millennial, they see this as a negative. 
  4. Millennials see work as a means to an end, it’s not their life. Work is something they do between weekends. Baby Boomers believed working 60 hours a week was the only way to work, whereas Millennials would rather work 30 hours a week and try to work more efficiently. 
  5. When you employ a Millennial it’s important to have a clear discussion about their future within your business. They may never see themselves as a partner of your business, it may not be their long-term goal or vision. 
Please note these comments about Millennials are only generalisations and are not facts, but based on my own experiences some of them do ring true and I can see where I have made some big errors in the past. 

Top Practices Website: http://www.toppractices.com

Top Practices Library: http://www.toppractices.com/library/

Dr. Tyson E. Franklin

Monday, 23 January 2017

HOUR 143: P90X creator Tony Horton on Living Large (The Charged Life)

HOUR 143: The Charged Life with Brendon Burchard, Episode date 18/1/17: P90X creator Tony Horton on Living Large. 

Here are today’s takeaway points:
  1. 80% of success is the discipline of just turning up, and the key word here is discipline. People often give up only one or two weeks into a new venture, when things start to get hard, however if they just hung in there a little longer they would have succeeded. This is where discipline comes in. 
  2. Every time you fail it’s an opportunity to grow. Look at where you went wrong and can you learn and improve from the experience? 
  3. If you’re exercise program is not working for you, you need to look at your habits. What are you eating and drinking? Have you got a exercise program that excites you, and who do you hang around with? 
  4. Remove junk from your life and this means food and friends that are no good for you. 
Tony’s Website: http://www.tonyhortonlife.com/

Dr. Tyson E. Franklin

Sunday, 22 January 2017

Hour 142: The Secrets of Successful Entrepreneurs

HOUR 142: The Savvy Dentist podcast with Dr. Jesse Green, Episode 43: The Secrets of Successful Entrepreneurs with Nathan Chan of Foundr Magazine. 

My number one takeaway today:

We’ve all heard the term, quality is better than quantity, and most would agree this is a true statement, especially when it comes to producing content for website blogs and social media outlets, but what if you could produce quantity quality. 

Which means you still produce good quality material and content, but you just do a lot more of it. So instead of just posting one blog per week or posting one photo on Instagram each day, what if you produced eight or nine content articles each week, and posted multiple photos on Instagram each day.

If you think about how social media feeds work, it actually makes sense. More content means being seen more often. 

Foundr Magazine: https://foundrmag.com/

Dr. Tyson E. Franklin

Friday, 20 January 2017

HOUR 141: Creating Results

HOUR 141: Living Intentionally with Amy Smalarz, episode date 4/1/17: Creating Results with Beate Chelette, creator of The Womens Code. 

Today’s takeaway point was about the Superhuman Paradox. 

The superhuman paradox is the overwhelm. For some reason we only see the best version of all our friends and we think we have to be the best version of all of them combined, and that causes the overwhelm. 

For example, you may have a friend that’s a super fit, well toned and always looks fantastic, however what you don’t see is what they’re like when you’re not in their presence. They may be crap in the kitchen, disorganised and their house is an mess. You’re only seeing the superficial, best version of them.  

The same applies to the person who lives in a well organised designer house. That’s what you see…the best version of them, but if you opened a draw or cupboard, it could be very disorganised.   

So, we need to give ourselves permission to just be human, not superhuman, and the sooner you do this, the happier you will be. 

Beate’s Website: http://beatechelette.com/

Just so you’re aware, this podcast episode was probably targeted towards women, but just like The Lions Den For Business Men is aimed at men, I think both genders can benefit by sharing this type of information.

Dr. Tyson E. Franklin

Thursday, 19 January 2017

Hour 140: The Entrepreneurial Personality Type with Alex Charfen

HOUR 140: I Love Marketing podcast with Dean Jackson & Joe Polish, episode date 17/1/17: The Entrepreneurial Personality Type (EPT) with Alex Charfen. 

Today’s Takeaway points:
  1. Most entrepreneurs noticed at a young age they were slightly different to everyone else. 
  2. Most entrepreneurs were often caught in class daydreaming and thinking of the future. They had problems understating what ‘staying focused’ meant. 
  3. Entrepreneurs struggle being on committees, boards and associations, because decisions are often made too slowly and this drives entrepreneurs nuts. 
  4. Entrepreneurs thrive on momentum, because momentum creates energy and an generates a cognitive boost. The best way to annoy an entrepreneur is to put some form of restraint on their decision making and thinking. 

Video: http://bit.ly/2iZOp4V

Dr. Tyson E. Franklin
The 365 Hour Mental & Physical Challenge

HOUR 139: How to Be Happy (The GARYVEE Audio Experience)

HOUR 139: The GARYVEE Audio Experience, episode 16/1/17: Audio Rant - How To Be Happy. 

Today’s Takeaway point:

People are at their happiest when they’re doing what they want to do, and when they’re in control of their life. Some people making $200K per year would be far happier if they only made $100K per year. 

The biggest mistake people make is letting their business or company control them, or they over extend their lifestyle and then their lifestyle starts to control their lives, and this effects their happiness. 

Gary Lee mentioned the Mendoza Line. Look it up, it’s very interesting. 

Stitcher: http://bit.ly/2k6AUC4

Dr. Tyson E. Franklin

Wednesday, 18 January 2017

Hour 138: Everything Is Hard - But Hard In Fun

HOUR 138: Uncomfortable is OK with Chris Desmond, Episode 30: Everything Is Hard - But Hard Is Fun with quest Katie Smith from the Ritual Tea Company. 

I really enjoyed this interview because Katie is so open and extremely honest with her comments. 
Here are today’s takeaway points:
  1. If you’re just starting out in business, get yourself a good business coach or mentor. Someone that can guide you through the processes of business you may not understand. 
  2. Don’t be afraid to rebrand. At a certain point in business you may feel that you need to update your logos, packaging, graphics, design, stationary and even business name. Katie went from KTea to Ritual Team Company. I think it was a good change. 
  3. Rejection is uncomfortable and sometimes it hurts, however when someone rejects your product, or your service, don’t take it personal. 

Ritual Tea Company: https://ritualteacompany.co.nz/

Dr. Tyson E. Franklin

Tuesday, 17 January 2017

Hour 137: Social Media Marketing - Facebook LIVE

HOUR 137: Social Media Marketing podcast with Michael Stelzner. Todays episode was about FACEBOOK LIVE and his guest was Mari Smith. 

I figured out, when I was about half way the podcast that this recording was almost a year old (4/3/16), which is a long time in technology terms, however the takeaway points I want to share are timeless. 

Firstly, using Facebook LIVE creates authenticity. It gives your followers a chance to see you in real situations and an opportunity to connect with you, because there’s the ability to ask questions directly while you’re filming, so it’s very important to give shout outs to viewers as they come on board. 

Secondly, be creative. Use Facebook LIVe to promote products, specials, show some behind the scenes areas of your business and breaking news, etc. One example they shared was a kickboxing studio setting up a live feed during their classes. 

Thirdly, make sure you look directly at the camera lens when you’re recording, not the screen, so you connect with the viewers. This does takes practice. 

Finally, make sure the title of your video is compelling and makes people want to tune in. 

Michael Stelzner has a Facebook page Social Media Examiner and website http://www.socialmediaexaminer.com

Mari Smith is also a bit of a social media legend with 356, 466 Facebook Followers. Her website page is http://www.marismith.com

iTunes: http://apple.co/2jEZpTn

Dr. Tyson E. Franklin

Monday, 16 January 2017

HOUR 136: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

HOUR: 136: The Breakfast Over Coffee Show with Bree James and Andrew Griffiths, Episode 10: The Good, The Bad & The Ugly Of The Online World. 

Today’s takeaway points:
  1. Your website is never finished, it’s an constant ongoing process. 
  2. If your website hasn’t been updated for three years, it needs to be. 
  3. Make sure your website has engaging content and if you don’t like to write, or you’re not good at writing, get someone to do it for you. 
  4. Make sure you use professional images that help tells the story. Don’t use cheap stock standard clipart, instead pay for images or take your own. Poor looking images reflects on you and your business. 
  5. Make sure your website solves a problem for the person visiting. If your website is all about you and how good you are…you’ve missed a great opportunity. 
I’m fortunate to have two friends that are website developers and this is where I get all my information from. Tom Foster and the team at Foster Web Marketing and Nicky Jurd and the team at Precedence.  

If you want to have a good website, you need to have a good website developer. 

Dr. Tyson E. Franklin

HOUR 135: Focus On Giving

Hour 135: The School of Greatness podcast with Lewis Howes, Ep 426: FOCUS ON GIVING. 
Here are today’s takeaway points:
  1. When we give we’re contributing to the type of world we want to live in. 
  2. It’s important to make sure your own tank is full, meaning you and your family are well taken care of. Helping others shouldn’t mean you go into debt yourself, however once you’re secure…you need to give back. 
  3. Lewis shared a great quote by Malcom Bane. “If you wait until you can do everything for everybody, instead of doing something for somebody, you’ll end up doing nothing for nobody”. 
  4. We all need to share information and share what we learn with each other. Below are links to Lewis Howe’s podcast and website, which I think needs to shared with as many people as possible, and if you like my videos, feel free to do the same. 
Website: http://lewishowes.com/

Dr. Tyson E. Franklin

HOUR 134: 2017 Hacks - Goal Setting

Hour 134: In Top Form (Facebook Page) Live Video date 2/1/17 with Dave Frees and Somnath Sidkar: 2017 Hacks - Goal Setting. 

Todays takeaway points:
  • Everyone knows about SMART goals and sometimes having a specific goal in mind can set you up for failure, especially if it’s not reached, however by just having a goal, you’re still way ahead of the average person who sets no goals.
  • Dave has a really cool spin on traditional goal setting.  If your initial goal was to lose 5kg by the 1st of December, change it to I want to lose 5kg, OR MORE, by the 1st of December, OR SOONER. It’s the same goal, but there’s more freedom.
  • Instead of focusing on the goal itself, focus on the systems required and daily habits you should be following each day to make the goal a reality. 
  • Dave and Somnath shared these five daily rituals that you should implement into your life that will help you achieve your goals:
  1. Morning Priming: Express gratitude daily by writing in a journal. Use affirmations. Write three things you’ve made happen today (before they’ve even happened)  
  2. No Need To Wait: Just get started each day on doing something that will take you closer to a future goal or a future path. 
  3. Cultivate Your Beliefs: Be aware of your beliefs, but also be aware that circumstances change. Hold strong views that are loosely held. You need to believe your goals can be achieved. 
  4. Give The Mind An Overnight Task: Never go to sleep without a request to your subconscious mind. Writing your ‘to do list’ for the next day will get your subconscious mind thinking. 
  5. To Create Something Big - Start Something Small: Something thinking big can make the first few steps really hard, so start something small that you know you can smash. This will lead you onto greater goals. 
If these five tips intrigue you I suggest you watch the video on Facebook. 

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/intopform/

Dr. Tyson E. Franklin

HOUR 133: Secrets To A Healthy, Happy Life

Hour 133: BODY WISDOM with Dr. Michele, Episode date 11/1/17: Secrets To A Healthy, Happy Life with Dr. David Weiman. 

So what did I take away from today (there was so much)?

When you set goals you’ve really got to ask yourself why you’re setting the goal and in many cases your first answer may not be the real answer, it probably goes much deeper than you think, so it’s a good idea to keep asking yourself the same question multiple times. 

Do you feel motivated to exercise and look after your health? Motivation is closely linked to optimism and optimistic people usually have far better health than pessimists. 

If you can’t find 30 minutes per day to exercise, try finding 10 minutes, three times per day. Breaking it down into smaller time periods may make it far more manageable.   

Dr. Michele’s Website: http://www.drmichele.com/

Dr. Weiman’s Website: http://www.weimanconsulting.com/


Hour 132: Being Successful - Wisdom Of The Optimist

Hour 132: Inspirational Living Podcast, Episode # 124: Being Successful - Wisdom Of The Optimist. (yes...there's a spelling mistake in the video title)

This podcast episode is edited and adapted from the book ‘Success Is for You’, by Dorothy Quigley, written in 1899.  

Here are my takeaway points:

If you are dissatisfied with your what you do (occupation), you will have less power of attracting successful conditions into your life, instead you will draw negativity. 

It’s important to find out why you’re dissatisfied with what you do. Is it not challenging enough, are you simply lazy, or is there no passion?

If there’s no passion, are you brave enough to follow your passions in your spare time? The passions you follow in your spare time can eventually replace what you’re currently doing. 

And remember, Optimists are attractive people and Pessimists are ugly. 

Stitcher: http://bit.ly/2j5z0hG

Dr. Tyson E. Franklin

HOUR 131: Always Be The Weirdo In THe Room

Hour 131: The Small Business Success Podcast with Clate Mask and Scott Martineau, Episode 37: Always Be The Weirdo In The Room with Pamela Slim. 

Pamela Slim is the author of two books, Escape The Cubicle Nation and Body Of Work, and she has a third book coming out shortly titled Where Are My People. It’s so good to not hear the word tribe. 

Here is today’s takeaway:

As a business person or Solo-preneur your goal is to develop three circles in your community. 
  1. A Peer & Mentor Circle: People who are as equally driven as you are and you enjoy spending time with them and sharing ideas. 
  2. Technical Mentors: People that have specific skills and expertise in technical areas that you may be lacking, but you need for your long-term business development. 
  3. Your High Council of Jedi Knights: People you look up to and admire, who think way beyond the average person. They reflect your own beliefs and values. 
Okay, so lets’ address being the weirdo in the room. 

As a solo business owner it can get lonely, which is why people go to networking events to connect with people in your own industry. This is BORING and is not where your customers / clients are. 

Instead you need to go to events and meetings where you are the weirdo, the one that stands out and does not belong, however you are also the one person in the room that has a solution to their problem. BOOM!!!

So how do you become the weirdo in the room and where do you find the right groups that have you perfect target market? Here are some steps. 
  1. Define who you are, what are your values and what are you passionate about. 
  2. Understand the specific problem you can solve. 
  3. Who else solves this same problem? There will be other groups sharing the same target market. 
  4. Where are the best places online and in-person where your target market hangs out? 
  5. Pick the best four conferences or events where you think your target market will be and find out who else is speaking at those events. These people are influencers. 
Dr. Tyson E. Franklin

Sunday, 15 January 2017

Hour 130: Your Dream Is Possible with Les Brown

HOUR 130: Be Remarkable podcast series, episode date 5/2/16: Your Dream Is Possible with Les Brown. 

This is a live recording, probably recorded in the early 90’s, because he mentions his cassette tapes…which made me feel old because I have one of them. 

Todays Takeaway:

If you have a DREAM you’ve got to accept that there will be self-doubt, setbacks, disappointment and obstacles, however if you’re really HUNGRY for your dreams you will keep moving forward regardless of what’s put in front of you. 

Les Brown has a saying, “It’s Not Over Until I Win”, and this is the attitude you need to take on board in your life if you’re serious about your reaching your dreams and goals. The day you give up…Is the day you lose, so just don’t give up. 

Les tells some amazing stories about his life and what he had to overcome to become a business success, which is proof anyone can do it if they want it bad enough. 

I think Les is a bit of a legend and I’m sure you’ll agree after listening to this recording, and I beat you listen to it more than once. 

Player FM: http://bit.ly/2j3a3G0

Dr. Tyson E. Franklin

Saturday, 14 January 2017

HOUR 129: How to Get Your Sh** Together 2017 - The Charged Life

HOUR 129: The Charged Life podcast with Brendon Burchard - Episode dated 01/01/17  How To Get Your Sh** Together 2017

The biggest takeaway point form this podcast is you need to take Personal Responsibility for your own life. It’s no one else’s responsibility to make sure you have a great life. 

Brendon shares a five things to be aware of each day:
  1. Your daily ACTIONS: It’s most circumstances you still have the ability to make choices on your actions each day, so make them count towards your goals. 
  2. You direct the AIM of your life: What do you want next week to be all about?
  3. You control your ATTITUDE: It’s a choice to generate and create happiness. 
  4. You direct your ATTENTION: You need to be aware of distractions and minimise them. 
  5. You also direct your EMOTIONAL CONNECTION: You can shut yourself away from people or you can open your heart and connect with people. It’s a choice. 
Website: http://brendon.com/blog/

Dr. Tyson E. Franklin

HOUR 128: Personal Change, Quick or Slow?

HOUR 128: (Day 12 on the Diamond Princess)

Operation Self Reset with Jake Nawrocki: Personal Change, Quick or Slow?

The speed of change is determined by what you’re trying to change and your progress towards your goals is just as important as the goals themselves. 

Here’s my biggest takeaway from this episode: 

Jake discussed how to make the perfect Upside Down Pineapple Cake. He said that if he gave you the perfect recipe, and if you followed it word for word, he could guarantee a successful outcome every single time you made it, however if you decide to change the recipe, even slightly, he cannot guarantee the outcome. 

This was a great analogy is regards to following instructions for personal change, goal setting and life improvement. Listen to and read all you can from the people who have gone before you, those that have paved the way for you to follow. Stop trying to reinvent the wheel or make changes to a proven successful recipe. 


Dr. Tyson E. Franklin

HOUR 127: Generation Creation: Creativity in the age of everything

HOUR 127: (Day 11 on the Diamond Princess - Langkawi, Malaysia) 

Marketing Over Coffee: In this episode dated 2/12/16 John J. Wall brings together three authors Bill Green, Angela Natividad and Darryl Ohrt to discuss their book Generation Creation: Creativity in the age of everything. 

Todays takeaway point was about Culture versus Forced Culture. 

Culture in an organisation develops over time through great leaders and great leadership. When this is combined with great chemistry between team members and an I’VE GOT YOUR BACK attitude, cultural diversity and gender has no influence. You want to be part of the team. 

In contrast, Forced Culture has very little to do with the leaders of the business. In some organisations, a person may be employed to develop the culture in the organisation, however changing the decor, adding funky furniture and saying we’re a fun place to work, does not create true culture. It’s fake and does not work longterm. 

Dr. Tyson E. Franklin

Hour 126: Getting Started With Authority Marketing

HOUR 126: Duct Tape Marketing with John Jantsch: Episode date 21/12/16 - Getting Started With Authority Marketing. Guest: Brian Ainsley Horn from Authority Alchemy. 

If you want to be seen as an authority in your specific industry you’ve got to be seen in places that people value. This will increase your reach, build your reputation as an expert and is great for building your personal profile and business.   

Being seen as an authority gives you an edge over your competitors.  

But where should you start?
  • You must be writing on your own website, or websites
  • Write for the local newspaper etc, both online and offline.  
  • Use Linkedin and medium.com
  • Guest Blogging, but make sure it matches their readers and add value. Also, don’t give them the full article, only give them the title and a few dot points. 
When you’re proficient at all of the above and have made sure all your social profile pages are up to date and accurate, then you can start approaching high authority sites, such as INC., Forbes and the Huffington Post.  

I think it’s also really important to pick your medium. How are you going to blog and communicate? What do you feel comfortable with and what suits your audience? Do you enjoy writing and recording audio, or is video more your thing. You need to work this out. 

“Leaders live by choice, not by accident”. Mark Gorman

Dr. Tyson E. Franklin

Hour 125: Get Comfortable With The Uncomfortable

HOUR 125: Mountain Mantras podcast with Jeff Guylay - Episode # 37: Get Comfortable With The Uncomfortable with Brandie Hinen, Founder of Powerhouse Learning. 

If you’re a coach or mentor, you’ll find a lot of useful information in this podcast, however the takeaway points I’m sharing today are based around the leadership aspects of the interview. 

As a leader you need to get comfortable with the uncomfortable, meaning you need to be able to accept failure, criticism, change and honest feedback from your team. Leaders need to be aware of their weaknesses and be prepared to try new things.

Batching similar tasks together is a far more efficient way to work and uses far less mental energy, and managing your mental energy is paramount. 

As a leader you must make sure you are getting adequate sleep, eating properly and maintaining a positive attitude. How you view and handle adversity has a huge impact on the people around you. 

This isn’t mentioned on the video but is worth sharing. You need to remove all the donkey’s from your life. Donkey friends, donkey clients and donkey coworkers. 

Website: http://bit.ly/2j6VJgd

Dr. Tyson E. Franklin

HOUR 124: How To Develop GRIT (The Charged Life)

HOUR 124: The Charged Life with Brendon Burchard - Episode dated 26/6/16 How To Develop Grit

Brendon defines grit as a combination of passion and perseverance.

Here are four points to assist in developing grit:
  1. Clarity: When you have clarity around what you want, your goals, this will help you find your passion. Right now what is your number one health goal, your number one work goal and number one personal goal. These will drive you towards your larger goals and passions. 
  2. Prime Your Enthusiasm: Do something you enjoy everyday for about 30 minutes. This short form of enthusiasm will prepare you for being more enthusiastic about your bigger goals.   
  3. Time Blocking (yes…again!!!) Time blocking stops distractions. If it’s not scheduled in your diary it will become a passing interest, however when it’s scheduled in your diary it becomes a clear commitment. 
Here’s what I know from experience: If you don’t have your own agenda scheduled each day, you’ll become part of someone else’s.   
  1. Enlist A Team: You need to enlist a team of friends and family that believe in you and what you’re doing. They will help you set up a positive environment for you to pursue your passions and develop ‘true grit’. 

Player FM: http://bit.ly/2ixxYNg01/01/17

Dr. Tyson E. Franklin

Thursday, 12 January 2017

Hour 123: Making A Good Impression with Kara Ronin

HOUR 123: Bright Minds podcast by Bright Red Marketing. Hosted by Dahna Borg. Episode 7: Making A Good Impression with Kara Ronin from Executive Impressions. 

Here are todays takeaway points:

If you want to make a good impression you need to have good social skills, and research has shown this skill is vital for business success, especially if you’re in an industry or  role where you need to connect with people. 

It’s important to note that what you say is not as important as how you say it and there are techniques that can be taught to assist in making a good impression.  

For example, use the power pause. This is when you pause from talking for two or three seconds……………………………..and then start again to drive a point home. Kara also discussed the upswing and downswing in your voice. (Watch my video or listen to the podcast for further details).

Your posture plays a huge role in making a good impression. Slouching or leaning when you talk is less effective than standing up straight when you’re communicating. Also you need to be aware of your hand positioning. 

Finally, we’ve all heard about power dressing and why wearing a dark suit is more powerful than a lighter colour suit, however Kara explained that dark accessories can be just as effective. 

In the tropics it’s not practical to wear a dark jacket, therefore for men, wearing a dark belt, trousers and shoes can have the same effect, and for ladies, wearing dark jewellery and other accessories can work the same way. 

Kara’s Website: http://www.executive-impressions.com/

Dr. Tyson E. Franklin

HOUR 122: How To Change The World At Age 17 with Brandon Farbstein

HOUR 122: Elevating Beyond with Mark Minard, Episode #136: How To Change The World at age 17 with Brandon Farbstein. 

At two years of age Brandon Farbstein was diagnosed with a rare form of dwarfism, however he never let it define who he was and at age 15 he did his first TedX talk. In this episode he talks about facing adversity head-on, bullying and why you need to face life with a positive attitude. 

Todays takeaway points:

Regardless of the cards you’re dealt with in life, it’s how you play them that really matters. Complaining about your ‘so-called’ poor hand is not serving you, or the people around you. You have to change your mindset. 

Life is too short. You don’t know if you’re going to be here for 30 years or a 100 years, it’s out of your control, however what you can control is how your live each day. Will you live each day with a ‘can-do’ attitude, or a can’t do attitude? 

And, avoid doing things you don’t enjoy. This relates to work, social circles and relationships. 
When it comes to changing the world, it won’t happen overnight, however one small act of kindness could create a ripple effect. Greeting someone with a big smile, may seem insignificant to you, but it could mean a lot to them, becasue you don’t know what’s going on in their life. Pay kindness forward. 

Brandon’s Website: http://www.brandon.world/

Brandon’s TedX Talk: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YnJhxbG6RRY

Dr. Tyson E. Franklin

Hour 121: How To Invest Your Money with Tai Lopez

HOUR 121: The Tai Lopez Show: Episode 17/11/16 - How To Invest Your Money with Tai Lopez. 

Here are my takeaway points:

When it comes to investing money there are negative investments, positive investments and neutral investments. 

Your lifestyle is a negative investment, however it is a necessary part of life, the goal though is to not spend more than you make. Do not go into debt. 

A positive investment is when you buy low and sell high and make a profit, and even though a classic car may be an investment, it’s never usually a great investment. 

A neutral investment neither makes or loses money and he uses leasing and renting as his examples. When you take out a lease instead of purchasing something outright , you free up your money for other investments. Also, if it’s used for business there can be tax advantages, but you need to plan this with your Accountant. 

iTunes: http://apple.co/2irmM5m

Website: http://www.tailopez.com/

Dr. Tyson E. Franklin

HOUR 120: The Secret To Better Problem Solving

HOUR 120: HBR Ideacast with with Sarah Green Carmichael - Episode 556: The Secret To Better Problem Solving with Thomas Wedell-Wedellsborg. 

He is the author of “Are You Solving the Right Problems?” in the January / February 2017 issue of the Harvard Business Review and the author of the book 'Innovation As Usual'.

I apologise, my video today does not do this podcast the justice it deserves, but here are todays takeaway points:

When someone has a problem, the initial question they ask may not reveal the real problem. Often the question needs to be reframed in a way to find the real problem. 

For example, in the USA more than 3 million dogs end up in dog refuge centres each year and the usual question has been, “how can we find them a home?” Someone reframed the question to, “how can we reduce the number of dogs being left at the refuge by their owners and why are they doing it?” 

Reframing this question revealed the real problem for some dog owners and why they abandoned their pets, and therefore a more effective solution was found, resulting in less dogs at the refuge centre.   

“Chance favours the prepared mind”. Louis Pasteur

iTunes: http://apple.co/1GgzOYg

Dr. Tyson E. Franklin

Wednesday, 11 January 2017

HOUR 119: How To Get On The Biggest Podcasts

HOUR 119: Rhodes To Success podcast with Jessica Rhodes, Episode: 7/12/16 How To Get On The Biggest Podcasts with Josh Elledge. 

Below are my takeaway points, but this is only a very brief summary of the advice shared on this podcast episode. 

1. Before you even think about being on someone else’s podcast you first have to take a serious look at your personal profile on Linkedin, Twitter, Facebook and Google. What does it say about you? Are you an authority in your industry, or do you have a unique story to tell? The podcast host will do their due diligence on ‘you’ before having you as a guest on their show. 

2. What podcasts are your ideal customers listening to? These are the sort of podcast shows you want to be on initially. Being a guest on a smaller podcast will give you practice and confidence. 

3. On your social profiles and websites, make sure you have audio and video recordings of you speaking. This will give a potential host an idea of how you speak and sound when being interviewed. 

Podcast Page: http://bit.ly/2eKklbc

Dr. Tyson E. Franklin.com

Hour 118: Challenging Industry Convention

Hour 118: The SAVVY Dentist podcast with Dr. Jesse Green, Ep: #40 Challenging Industry Convention with The Happy Family Lawyer, Clarissa Rayward. 

Clarissa Rayward is also the Director of the Brisbane Family Law Centre.

Today’s takeaway points:
  1. Many professions can be boring, so its important to find elements with your profession that excite you and make you happy, and then try and turn them into a niche if you can. 
  2. It’s important to build a your personal brand alongside your business brand, because they are different. Your personal brand can generate contacts and leads in a different way to your business brand.
  3. Clarissa uses Facebook to advertise positions at her law practice and her friends help her find suitable candidates, and after receiving their resumes, she asks them to send a short video answering specific questions. This can cut a 100 down to 10 very quickly. 
  4. In her office, some walls are covered with graffiti from a professional graffiti artist. Once again this sets her law office apart from the average law office and also makes her clients realised she is a little different.  
What are you currently doing to set yourself apart from everyone else? 

Clarissa’s Website: http://www.thehappyfamilylawyer.com/

"Open your eyes. The leaders in your industry didn't get there by following conventional thinking".

Dr. Tyson E. Franklin