Friday, 23 December 2016

Hour 114: The Power Of Routine with Wilson Lawrence

HOUR 114: Operation Self Reset podcast, hosted by Jake Nawrocki, Episode dated 21/12/16 The Power Of Routine with Wilson Lawrence. 

A lot of what I’m listening to at the moment is really setting me up well for 2017. 

Here are todays takeaway points:
  1. You need to set up a really awesome morning routine. You’ve got to turn off all the noise and give yourself some silent time. Your goal is to not be distracted by technology and you have the power to control this. 
  2. When we sleep our brain is recharged, therefore first thing in the morning  our brain is ready to do some important work. Checking emails, catching up on Facebook and Linkedin is not important work, it can be distracting and it can drag you into someone else’s agenda for the day. 
  3. Mornings should be used for planning and prioritising you day. You need to learn the importance of Time Blocking and once you master this it is much easier to say NO to people, and tell them why. 
Finally, thank you to my Seacret friends Shannean and Woody for my new hat Drive Your Dream. 
“Lose an hour in the morning, and you will spend all day looking for it” RICHARD WHATLEY

Dr. Tyson E. Franklin

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