Hour 64: The Lion’s Den For Business Men - Episode 152: Becoming A Morning Person with Robert Mallon.
As I’ve mentioned before, please ignore the title. Yes their target listening audience are businessmen between the ages of 35 and 49, but the information in this episode applies to everyone.
There’s been a lot of research in the area of sleep patterns and the benefits of being a morning person or a night owl. Some of the findings are amazing.
I didn’t realise that genetics play a big part in determining your preference towards being a night owl or morning person, however some people try to be a night owl when in fact they are genetically a morning person, and visa versa. If they switch their habits, life and success improves. #success #habits
One research study found that night owls are more intelligent, however morning people got better grades at school and achieving more? This leads me onto todays takeaway point.
Morning people tend to get more done than night owls because they start the day with a Proactive Mindset and purpose. Nobody is going to get up at 5.00am or 5.30am to sit on the arse an do nothing. It just doesn’t work that way. Night owls may spend the same amount of time on a project, but they tend to procrastinate more and get easily distracted.
Anyone can become a morning person, but in the first ten days it will suck. From days 11 to 20, it will suck less, but you’ll start to notice the benefits, however from 21 to 30 it becomes easy and the benefits are really obvious.
iTunes: http://apple.co/2en4Q5q
Stitcher: http://bit.ly/2fE4Bcs
Dr. Tyson E. Franklin
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