Wednesday, 30 November 2016

HOUR 89: Sleep Is Everything

HOUR 89: Body Wisdom podcast with Dr. Michele. This episode, dated 30/11/16 is titled SLEEP IS EVERYTHING with Christine Hansen. 

Christine Hansen has a really cool website called Sleep Like A Boss and from this website you can download her 20 Sleep Hacks. 

She also has a book published with the same title - Sleep Like A Boss.

Here are my to takeaway points from this podcast and it was Hour 64 where I reviewed a podcast about sleep patterns titled Becoming A Morning Person.  
  1. Sleep is your ally not your enemy. Sleep shouldn’t be looked at as a negative thing to do, instead it should be considered a positive aspect of your life. 
  2. You’re not being a hero by depriving yourself of sleep. In fact it’s the exact opposite and lack of sleep will always have it’s revenge by effecting your health, your ability to think clearly, your communication skills and it effects your decision making abilities…therefore long-term lack of sleep will make you more stupid. 
In this podcast Christine Hansen also discusses two cool techniques to work out how much sleep you need each day, but you’ll need to watch my video, or listen to the podcast to learn what they are. 

Dr Michele Website:
Player FM:

Dr. Tyson E. Franklin

Tuesday, 29 November 2016


HOUR 88: PERFORM FOR SUCCESS podcast with Rick Sessinghaus, dated the 17/11/16 and the episode was titled Do You Perform? 

Rick Sessinghaus is a Sports Psychologist and he uses a great golfing analogy to drive home his point. In golf you previous shots and your future shots are irrelevant, what’s important is how you perform right now, in the present, and this leads onto my takeaway point. 

To often people beat themselves up about errors they’ve made in the past, which they cannot change, or they build up anxiety about a future events, instead of performing at their best in the present.  

We’re in such a hurry to move into the future we forgot about what’s happen in our lives right NOW. The most important shot in life is the one we’re just about to take. 

He really drove this point home when he spoke about the passing of his mother and how he wished he’d spent more quality time with her. I totally understood what he meant. 

We forget about the people we care about the most. The ones who are in our lives right now. We should be spending quality time with them, becasue they may not be here tomorrow. Parents, Siblings, and most important our KIDS. We need to be present and in the moment. Do you perform in the present, or is your mind elsewhere? 


Dr. Tyson E. Franklin

Monday, 28 November 2016


HOUR 87: READY TO SOAR podcast with Naomi Simson, Episode 6: Ready To Soar. 

There’s only six episodes in this series, based around the title of her book, so you’d be able to download and listen to them all in under 40 minutes, or watch my videos instead, becasue I have reviewed all six episodes. 

Todays Takeaway:

If you have a good business idea and you want to go into business for yourself, make sure you go into this venture with your eyes wide open. Don’t go into it wearing blinkers or through rose coloured glasses, thinking everything is going to be perfect. Some days everything can go wrong, and you need to be mentally prepared for this. 

Setting up a business is a journey, it’s not a destination and once you set it up you still need to put in a lot of time and effort. Of course you can employee other people to help you, but there’s still a lot of personal commitment and personal sacrifice required in the first few years.  

Naomi shared a cool quote by May West - “You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough”. 



Dr. Tyson E. Franklin

Sunday, 27 November 2016

HOUR 86: Money Is The Root Of All Wealth

HOUR 86: Operation Self Reset: Episode 164 - Money Is The Root Of All Wealth, hosted by Jake Nawrocki and the guest  was Tobias Martochko. 

Before I share my takeaway points I’d like to point out I chose this particular episode becasue I have just finished being part of the Cairns Great Debate and the topic was Money Is The Root Of All Evil, and I wanted to give shout out to my fellow debating team members, Gerlinda Stella and Jesse T Martin, and our dedicated coaches Leisel Pisani and Nicky Jurd. We were an awesome team and the debate was so much fun to be part of. When you see the photo I embedded into this video, you’ll see it was no normal debate. 

Todays takeaways:
  1. There’s a difference between having willpower and creating a habit. Once a habit is formed, you no longer need willpower, because your new habit becomes part of who you are, however you’ll need to use your willpower, or inner strength, in the early stages to help make decisions and act upon them. 
  2. As you create a habit you should reward yourself along the way. 
  3. To help with accountability, try sharing your goals with your friends on Facebook. You could make your goals part your cover photo, and then every time you go onto Facebook, you will be reminded of them. 

Dr. Tyson E. Franklin

Hour 85: How to Believe in Yourself

HOUR 85: The Charged Life with Brendon Burchard - 3/10/16: How to Believe in Yourself. 

Here are my two takeaway points form todays podcast:

Takeaway 1: It all starts with MOMENTUM. If you want to start believing in yourself you need to starting creating small daily wins for yourself and continue to do it every day. If you want to lose weight, it may start with a short walk (that’s win number one) and then you do it again the next day. The goal is to not stop, becasue when all those small wins are put together it creates momentum and amazing things start to happen. Small wins build belief over time. 

Takeaway 2: You have to INTEGRATE those small wins into your psyche. At the end of every day reflect on your small wins. What did you do right and why. How did it make you feel? Make that feeling part of who you are. 

FM Player:


Dr. Tyson E. Franklin

Thursday, 24 November 2016

Hour 84: Should I Start A Podcast with Ronsley Vaz - Episode: 53 From Massage Therapist to Podcaster with Kristie Melling.  
In this episode Kristie discussed her initial concerns about her potential podcast audience and who would want to listen to her, and I think this is a valuable takeaway point. 
Whether you share your message through a podcast, a video, or a blog, we all have fears about who will want to want to receive our message, but don’t let fear stop you from doing it. 
IF YOU BUILD IT, THEY WILL COME. (Movie: Field Of Dreams)
When I first starting shooting my videos it was extremely awkward, but now I’m more comfortable and even though I’m only up to hour 84 I’ve had over 15,000 views, which is pretty cool. 
Kristie also mentioned how she was slightly embarrassed talking about how good she was at what she did, and deep down she would love a little fame in her field, because of her expertise, which leads me to my second point. 
Don’t be ashamed of your superior skills and if you’re totally awesome…shout it from the roof tops. And if you happen to gather a little fame along they way, don’t be embarrassed, instead embrace it and use it to your advantage. 
Kristie’s Website:

Kristie also has her own podcast called Rubbed The Wrong Way, the podcast for Massage Professionals: Here’s the link:
Dr. Tyson E. Franklin

Wednesday, 23 November 2016

HOUR 83 - Do People Like You? Really?

HOUR 83: The ZIGLAR Show - Inspiring Your True Performance, Episode 437: Do People Like You? Really? Hosted by Kevin Miller. 

Just so you know, this particular podcast series is in the top 10 podcast series in the world, so if you take into account all the celebrities that produce their own podcast programs…this one ranks higher, so what does that tell you? It’s Good!

Todays takeaway points:

1. As humans we are far more emotional than logical, so when we meet people our emotions and feelings will determine the long-term relationship.

2. If you’re being overlooked for promotions at work, or not succeeding in your personal or business life, it may have something to do with your likability factor. The truth is, you may not be very likeable. 

Here are Zig’s top ten likability factors:
  1. Speak to people when you meet them.  
  2. Smile at people. It takes 72 muscles to frown and only 14 to smile. 
  3. Call people by name. People love hearing their own name. 
  4. Be friendly and helpful. 
  5. Be cordial. Speak and act as if everything you do is a genuine pleasure. 
  6. Be genuinely interested in other people. 
  7. Be generous with your praise and cautious with your criticism 
  8. Be considerate of the feelings of others. It will be appreciated. 
  9. Be alert to give service where you can.
  10. Have a good sense of humour. 

Dr. Tyson E. Franklin

Tuesday, 22 November 2016

Hour 82 - From Nutrition Consultant To $5 Million Business Owner

Hour 82: The DENT Podcast with Glen Carlson - Episode 30: Cyndi O’Meara, from Nutrition Consultant to $5 Million Business Owner. 

Cyndi O’Meara is the Founder of Changing Habits, an organisation dedicated to educating and providing the resources needed to live a life full of vitality through consuming real foods. 
Todays Takeaway Points:
  1. It all starts by changing one habit at a time and building up from there. If you try and change everything overnight…you’re more likely to fail. 
  2. To grow your business you need to be FOCUSED, and you need to get a BUSINESS COACH, someone that can help guide you. 
  3. Manifesting Your Goals: To help make your goals a reality you need to write them as though they have already happened, and then chunking them backwards to work out what you need to do to make them a reality. 
I’ve been doing work in this area with Deb Johnstone from Transformational Pathways Australia and it definitely makes your goals seem far more real and achievable. 

Cyndi O’Meara:


Dr. Tyson E. Franklin

Monday, 21 November 2016

HOUR 81: Living With Less

HOUR 81: Lewis Howes The School Of Greatness podcast, dated 16/11/16 Episode 407: LIVING WITH LESS, The Power of Being a Minimalist with Joshua Fields Millburn. 

This is a very cool concept. Joshua is referred to as a Minimalist, meaning he only has possessions in his life that add value or have meaning. This doesn’t mean he lives in a cave or is odd, it just means he chooses to live with less. 

For example, he has the internet at work, but not at home and by making this decision, it saves him money, and when he works from home he gets much more done becasue of less distractions. Makes Sense!

He also went without his mobile phone for two months and when he decided to reintroduced it back into his life, he made sure he only installed Apps that added value, such as Uber and Maps, but didn’t install email, or social media apps. 

So my takeaway points from this are: 
  1. There are probably a lot of things in our lives that should be removed or at least minimised because they’re a distraction. 
  2. Too often we buy ‘stuff’ to make us feel good, but in reality we know it won’t. They’re just possessions. 
A question Joshua asked was this: How would your life change is there was LESS in your life? To put it another way…what areas of your life are you sacrificing to have MORE? 

Are you sacrificing time with your family and your health, and your long-term financial future, just so you can have more stuff right now? Think about it!!!!


You can't change the people around you, but you can change the people around you. 

Dr. Tyson E. Franklin 

Sunday, 20 November 2016

HOUR 80 - The Anti Ice Man

HOUR 80: The Miesha Tate Show: 17/10/16 Interview with Gary Reinl  - The Anti Ice Man. 

This podcast episode is going to screw with your mind, especially if you’re in the health  industry or played a lot of sport in your day, and you’ve been taught that the R.I.C.E theory (Rest, Ice, Compression & Elevation) is a necessity after every soft tissue injury. 

Gary Reinl is the Anti Ice Man and says the R.I.C.E theory is based on lies and even the doctor that came up with the theory also agrees that he was wrong and using ice for soft tissue injuries has no healing benefits. This doctor even wrote the forward to Gary Reinl’s book, ICED, saying exactly that. 

HERE IS TODAYS TAKEAWAY POINT: It’s not important if you believe Gary Reinl and the latest research about using, or not using ice, what is important is that we keep our minds open and question some of the things we’re often taught. 

When I went through university I constantly questioned my lecturers about what they were teaching me, and I was often shut down and told, “that’s just the way it’s done”. How often have you been told this?  

I intend to read the ICED book and make up my own mind, but after listening to the podcast it did get me thinking and questioning my past beliefs on using ice and whether it has helped or hinder my past injuries.  

Miesha Tate Website:

Gary Reinl Website:

ICED on Amazon:


Dr. Tyson E. Franklin

Saturday, 19 November 2016

HOUR 79 - Simple Steps To Find Direction In Your Career & Life

HOUR 79: The Tai Lopez Show - Grand Theory Of Everything. This episode was titled The Simple Steps To Find Direction In Your Career & Life, however it centred around HEALTH, WEALTH, LOVE & HAPPINESS. 

My takeaway points today come from the first two areas, Health & Wealth. 

Takeaway 1: To often, when we’re younger, we sacrifice our health to create wealth, and then when we’re older we use our wealth to try and get get our health back. It’s a little crazy and often too late. 

Your goal should be to live a ‘good life’ and then everything else you do should support that vision. 

Having two billion dollars in the bank and not being able to enjoy it, because of poor health, is not a good life. Would you trade your life for their’s? Do you want to be the richest person in the cemetery? 

Takeaway 2: If you’re feeling burnt out from your career, or business, and you’re not enjoying life, maybe it’s time to step back a little and take some time off for yourself. 

It may take you a little longer to create your wealth, but at least you’ll be enjoying your lifestyle a little more along the way and not sacrificing your health. Your health should always take priority. 

Tai’s Website:


Dr. Tyson E. Franklin

Friday, 18 November 2016

Hour 78: National Basketball League & Major League Baseball CEO Intervie...

HOUR 78: CEO Exchange podcast, dated 19/4/2006: Interviews with David Stern of the National Basketball Association and  Allan Selig from the Major League Baseball. 

If you like either sport you’ll enjoy these interviews becasue they talk about the history of both games and the changes required to turn them into marketable products. 

I must admit, I did not realise this podcast was recorded in 2006 when I started listening to it, but I was so intrigued by the content and the stories I kept listening and decided to share. 

Takeaway 1: Both CEO’s first and foremost loved their respective games and both viewed their games as a product, which is why they were so successful. You must love your product, and when you do it’s easy to promote.  

Takeaway 2: They were prepared to make really tough decisions, based on what was best for the game, even though there other stakeholders involved, (the owners, the players and the fans). 

They didn’t make their decisions based on what was popular, they made them based on what was the best thing for the long-term development and future of their games, and in the end they were right. 

CEO Exchange:


Dr. Tyson E. Franklin

Thursday, 17 November 2016

Hour 77: Business Survival & Pitch

HOUR 77: Ready To Soar Podcast Series with Naomi Simson. 

Today I listened to two episodes from this series, because they were quite short; Episode 4: Ready To Survive & Episode 5: Ready To Pitch. #RedShark 

Ready To Survive takeaway:

Do you look at survival in business as a positive or a negative? Meaning, how long do you intend being involved in your business. Anyone can register a business name and technically own a business, but are you in business for the long haul? 

Do you love what you do each day, or is it simply a drag? Naomi Simson started Red Balloon 15 years ago and she’s as passionate about it today as she was when she started it. What’s your passion level? 

Ready To Pitch takeaway:

Being a member of the Sharktank, Naomi listens to a lot of business ideas and sits through many business pitches, and one of the main determining factors of whether or not she invests, is based on the person pitching the idea. 

If you’re pitching a business idea, you need to remember that you’re also pitching yourself. Your business idea, your pitch, and you all go hand in hand. 

My Tuner:


Dr. Tyson E. Franklin

Wednesday, 16 November 2016

Hour 76 - Post Election Thoughts

Hour 76: The Charged Life podcast with Brendon Burchard - Post Election Thoughts, dated 10th November 2016. 

Anyone with an interest in politics should listen to this podcast. Brendon shares some pretty amazing thoughts regarding politics, without taking sides. 

Todays takeaways:

Takeaway 1: Regardless of who you voted for, IN THE END PROGRESS WILL ALWAYS WIN. History will determine if Donald Trump is a great, mediocre or bad President, no different to outgoing President, Barack Obama, however in the end progress will always win. 

This mindset about progress winning in the end applies to all areas of life. If you’re on a weight loss program and you fall off the wagon, you don’t immediately throw in the towel and give up, and start calling yourself a loser. Instead you get back on track, becasue you know in the end progress will always win. 

Takeaway 2: After an election, some people can become quite angry and irrational, so it’s important to not make any life changing decisions while your emotions are heightened. 
Blog Link:

Dr. Tyson E. Franklin

Tuesday, 15 November 2016

HOUR 75: The Entrepreneurial Mind

Hour 75: Open For Business Podcast - Episode 1: The Entrepreneurial Mind, hosted by John Henry. This is a branded podcast by eBay alongside Gimlet Creative. 

Todays takeaway starts with a question:

Is there an entrepreneurial gene in your DNA? Yes there is, but it doesn’t mean you must use it. 

For example, Logan Rockmore did not want to be an entrepreneur, however he develop a sports apps in the early days of iTunes and made a lot of money. 

After this he could have reinvested his money into another business venture, becasue that’s what entrepreneurs do, however he still didn’t want to be an entrepreneur, so he chose to work for someone else, and there’s nothing wrong with that. 

NOW if you want to be an entrepreneur, and I mean a successful entrepreneur, you must be prepared for long hours, hard work, and constant business headaches, and this is why some people are simply not cut out for it. Logan Rockmore knew this about himself and made the right decision. 

A big shout out to Jim Laurence for this podcast tip. 

Gimlet Creative / Soundcloud:


Dr. Tyson E. Franklin

Monday, 14 November 2016

Hour 74 - How to Escape Your Emails

Hour 74 - The Productivity Podcast by Asian Efficiency - Episode 112: How To Escape Your Emails.
In this podcast the hosts discussed eight tips on how to escape your emails. 
Here are my top takeaways:
  1. Unsubscribe: Every email is a potential distraction, therefore if you’re receiving emails from a company or individual and you’ve deleted the three or last four without reading them, it’s time to unsubscribe from their list. You can always subscribe again later.
  2. Turn off notifications: Notifications are a distraction. Think about it, do you really need to know every time an email hits your inbox? 
  3. Schedule when you’re going to check your emails: Decide if it’s going to be once or twice a day and decide what time of the day is best. Constantly checking your inbox makes you less efficient. 
  4. Avoid setting up folders and sub-folders: Research has shown it takes longer to find an email if you have an elaborate folder and subfolder system, compared to simply having one archive folder, where you store all your emails you may need later. I’m going to test test this idea and let you know how it went. 
  5. Automate Common responses: Using your ‘Email Signature’ as a template, set up various canned responses to the most frequently asked questions.  
Here are some Apps & Websites that you may also find useful in making you more productive with your emails.

Website: - helps you see all your subscriptions in one place and helps you unsubscribe. 

App: Slack - A messaging app for teams.

App: Airmail 3 - To assist with workflow. Works on Macs, iPhone & iPads. 

Website: Useful for people who have to manage a lot of emails daily. 


Dr. Tyson E Franklin 

Sunday, 13 November 2016

HOUR 73 - Why You Must Escape Your Emails

HOUR 73: The Productivity Podcast by Asian Efficiency - Episode 111: Why You Must Escape Your Emails. 

How much time is wasted each day checking emails? In this episode the hosts discuss some eye-opening statistics about how often we check our emails, where we check them and how much time is wasted each day. 

At present 20% of people take their phone to the toilet and 70% check their emails while watching television. There’s also a large percentage of people who check their emails in bed, which must be cut into their jiggy-jiggy-time.  

Here’s today’s takeaway point: 

1. Life is far more exciting outside your Inbox than inside your Inbox. The longer you can stay away from your inbox the better…go and live life. 

2. We’re becoming slaves to our emails, instead of masters of our emails. If you grab your phone or stop working every time you are notified of a new email message…you have to ask who’s in control?  
Tomorrow I will be reviewing Episode 112: How To Escape Your Emails, which will really complement Episode 111. 



Dr. Tyson E. Franklin

Saturday, 12 November 2016

HOUR 72 - Business Armageddon Sydney: Gary Vaynerchuk 2016

HOUR 72 - The #AskGaryVee Show Podcast: Business Armageddon Sydney - Keynote 2016. 

This is one of those podcast you will listen to numerous times and it was really hard to limit my takeaway points to just two. 

Today’s Takeaway Points: 
  1. HOW you make your money is far more important than HOW MUCH money you make.
  2. Everybody has three or four core things, within them, that they’re really good at, and the sooner you can find what they are, the better it will be for you, your career and your business. You may already know what they are, but if you don’t, the easiest way to find them is by constantly trying new things, and once they’re identified, you then need to spend all your time and energy in developing them and using them to your competitive advantage.  
When you start putting all your energy into the three or four things that you’re really good at and stop wasting your time doing things you’re no good at, two amazing things will happen. Firstly, you’re going to be much HAPPIER, and secondly the MONEY will start flow in your direction. 

Too often we waste time trying to develop skills in areas we have no interest in, or basically we’re no good at. These are all time wasters and outsourcing this stuff would serve you much better and give you more time to develop the things you are good at. 



Dr. Tyson E. Franklin

Friday, 11 November 2016

Hour 71 - The Bucket List Guy

HOUR 71 - Bright Minds podcast by Bright Red Marketing. Hosted by Dahna Borg. Episode 4: The Bucket List Guy - Travis Bell

Travis Bell had a bucket list written when he was 18 years of age - Amazing! And now he mentors others how to develop their own bucket list and dream life. 
Today’s Takeaway Points:
  1. To often we live life by default and not by design. We let life guide us around instead of grabbing life by the balls and directing it where we want it to go. 
  2. Many people die at 40, but are not buried until they’re 80. They spend the majority of their life just getting by and they’ve totally forgotten about all their dreams and aspirations they wanted when they were younger. 
  3. Start writing a bucket list now. Write down all the things you still would like to do before you kick the bucket. You then need to choose one of the smaller ones, declare it to people you know and tell them why you’re doing it…and then just get it done!!!. Ticking off a smaller item from your list will spur you onto some of your larger bucket list items. 



Dr. Tyson E. Franklin

Thursday, 10 November 2016

Hour 70: Trust Your Instinct

HOUR 70: Persistence Podcast with Robyn Hartung, interviewing Shawn Jenkins from the House Of Yogi. Episode 2: - TRUST YOUR INSTINCT

Once again I enjoyed the open conversation between Robyn and Shawn as they discussed his journey into entrepreneurship and the thought process involved in developing the House Of Yogi. 

Shawn discussed how some of his best business decisions were based on intuition and instinct and he would often listen to his gut and feel the vibe when making business decisions.

Todays takeaway: If your intuition or instinct tells you something is right, or possibly wrong, you need to listen to your inner voice. 

We’ve all had these so-called gut feelings or ‘felt the vibe’ when making decisions, especially when it comes to working with particular individuals or organisations, and when this happens, it’s possible you feel this way becasue it’s in direct conflict with your beliefs and values. 

So the next time you are faced with having to say yes or no, think about how you truly feel about it, and then make a decision. 

Side Note: If you’re a true Aussie, you would have seen the movie The Castle…so we all know how important the VIBE is. 

Shawn Jenkins:



Wednesday, 9 November 2016

HOUR 69 How To Steal Back Your Time with Kate Christie

HOUR 69: The Savvy Dentist podcast with Dr. Jesse Green - Episode 32: How To Steal Back Your Time with Kate Christie, the Time Styler. 

WOW…what an episode. If you’re looking for some time management tips, listen to this podcast from start to finish.

There were so many points worth sharing, however I must limit myself, so here are the top takeaway’s I’d like to share with you today. 

  • Focusing on one single task at a time is far more efficient than trying to multitask. In fact your efficiency drops by 40% when you try to multitask. (My hand is up in the air agreeing to this).
  • There are a group called ‘Supertaskers’ (2.5% of the population) and they’re the only group that can truly multitask and not drop in efficiency. 
  • NOW…if you think you are in fact a great ‘Multitasker, or you consider yourself a ‘Supertasker’, the less likely it is to be true. 
Listen to the podcast and this will all make sense. 

Podcast site:
Kate has a new book coming out in early 2017 aimed at Time Management for Doctors, so if you’re in the health industry I’d keep an eye out for it.


Dr. Tyson E. Franklin 

Tuesday, 8 November 2016

Hour 68 - My Favourite Podcasts (Rhodes To Success)

Hour 68 - Rhodes To Success podcast with Jessica Rhodes - My Favourite Podcasts & What We Can Learn From Them. #RockThePodcast #interviewconnections

I thought this was a great idea to review a podcast episode that was reviewing podcasts series. 

Here’s my takeaway point: ‘Be Consistent’ in life.  Jessica Rhodes is talking about consistency in regards to how often a podcast episode is released…and I totally agree with her. My favourite podcasts come out consistently, the same day each week. I have others that I enjoy, but they’re inconsistently released, which frustrates me. 

My friendships are no different. When I take a good hard look at my closest friends…consistency is the key to our friendship, because consistency builds trust. When they say they’ll do something, I don’t give it a second thought because I know it will happen. How consistent are you in your actions? 

And I don’t think consistency means boring or predictable. 

Podcast Page:


Dr. Tyson E. Franklin

Monday, 7 November 2016

Hour 67 - Accepting Fear & Living With Authenticity (Life Detox)

HOUR 67: Total Freedom Podcast with Christopher Duncan, Ep 50: Accepting Fear and Living With Authenticity. Guest - Ruby Fremon. 

In this episode Ruby Fremon discussed her own addictions, failed relationships and other mistakes in life, and how she eventually came to the realisation that she was at the centre of all her problems. Once she accepted this and stopped blaming others, her life turned around and she went on a total ‘Life Detox’. 

Here is todays takeaway: When she spoke about detoxing it wasn’t just for drug addiction, as we would normally expect, she also detoxed from toxic friends, relationships, diet and toxic environments, all of which were having a negative impact on her overall life. 

So…what areas of your life could really benefit from a ‘dose of detoxing’? 



Dr Tyson E. Franklin 

Sunday, 6 November 2016

Hour 66 - What You Speak Defines You

Hour 66: The Ziglar Show True Performance podcast, Episode 435 - What You Speak Defines You with host Kevin Miller. 

I will openly admit that this particular podcast is by far one of my all time favourites. Every episode is packed with useful information that can be applied to both my personal and business life. 

Todays takeaway: - You need to join the ‘Smile, Firm Handshake & Compliment Club’. When you meet people, give them a big smile, give them a firm handshake and pay them a genuine compliment. 

When I do my walks each day I smile and say hello to every person I pass and about 80% smile and say hello back, however about 20% will not even acknowledge my existence. And here’s something I’ve noticed, they all have the same defeated grumpy face. Are you a smiler or do you look away? 

When you shake someones hand, make it firm, don’t give them a dead fish handshake, otherwise you may find the other person raises your hand and starts kisses it. I often wonder what happens when two dead fish hand shakers meet, do their hands just flounder around? 

And when you can, give people a genuine compliment. It doesn’t need to be big, but it will make their day. As Mark Twain says, “I can live two months on a good compliment”. 

I share a few more thoughts on the video if you care to watch it. 



Dr Tyson E. Franklin

Saturday, 5 November 2016

HOUR 65 - When It's Time To Quit On Someone (Liars)

Hour 65: The Charged Life - When It’s Time To Quit On Someone. 

In this episode Brendon Burchard shares five indicators for knowing when you should quite on someone or move on. It’s a very interesting episode if you’re in a  bad relationship, both personally or professionally. 

My takeaway point: If you have a liar in your workplace, or in your life, you should to let them go, and the sooner you do this, the sooner they’ll understand the consequences of lying. This will also give them the opportunity to hopefully learn from their mistake and move onto the next stage of their life. 

Player FM:


Dr. Tyson E. Franklin

Friday, 4 November 2016

HOUR 64 - Becoming A Morning Person

Hour 64: The Lion’s Den For Business Men - Episode 152: Becoming A Morning Person with Robert Mallon. 

As I’ve mentioned before, please ignore the title. Yes their target listening audience are businessmen between the ages of 35 and 49, but the information in this episode applies to everyone. 

There’s been a lot of research in the area of sleep patterns and the benefits of being a morning person or a night owl. Some of the findings are amazing. 

I didn’t realise that genetics play a big part in determining your preference towards being a night owl or morning person, however some people try to be a night owl when in fact they are genetically a morning person, and visa versa. If they switch their habits, life and success improves. #success #habits

One research study found that night owls are more intelligent, however morning people got better grades at school and achieving more? This leads me onto todays takeaway point. 

Morning people tend to get more done than night owls because they start the day with a Proactive Mindset and purpose. Nobody is going to get up at 5.00am or 5.30am to sit on the arse an do nothing. It just doesn’t work that way. Night owls may spend the same amount of time on a project, but they tend to procrastinate more and get easily distracted.   

Anyone can become a morning person, but in the first ten days it will suck. From days 11 to 20, it will suck less, but you’ll start to notice the benefits, however from 21 to 30 it becomes easy and the benefits are really obvious. 



Dr. Tyson E. Franklin


Thursday, 3 November 2016

HOUR 63 - Power Of The Brain

Hour 63: PBS: American Health Journal Radio - The Power Of The Brain

This episode has four different speakers and the takeaway point I want to share was from the second speaker who discussed 7 preventative measures for Alzheimers. 

I won’t share all 7 preventative measures, you’ll need to listen to the podcast for that, but these are my top takeaways:
  1. You need to keep a positive mental attitude. Thinking positively promotes good mental health.  
  2. You need to have a purpose in life and have goals. You need to be working towards something, not wandering through life aimlessly. 
  3. Be on a constant path of learning. Learn new things to keep your mind active
  4. Reduce the amount of stress in your life. Some stress is good, but too much stress is bad for your mental health. Even in a healthy mind, when you’re under a high level of stress you forget things. 

AHJ Website:


Dr. Tyson E. Franklin

Wednesday, 2 November 2016

HOUR 62 - Ready To Thrive

Hour 62 - Ready To Soar - The Podcast Series, Ep 3: Ready to Thrive with Naomi Simson. 

Todays Takeaway: Be careful to avoid negative self-talk and think about what words you use when you’re talking to others. What you say reflects on you and also has an impact on your attitude. 

Naomi gave a great example of when she was talking at a seminar and as people arrived she greeted them; some complained about how difficult the parking was and others complained about how hot it was. She said wouldn’t it have been nice to have been greeted with, “Hi Naomi, it’s really nice to meet you”, instead they opened with negative comments. 



Dr. Tyson E. Franklin

Hour 61 - The Art Of Surfing

Hour 61: Uncomfortable Is OK podcast with Chris Desmond, Episode 22: The Art Of Surfing with Matt Scorringe. 

For those of you who don’t know, Matt Scorringe is an Ex Surf Pro, turned Surf Coach and the founder of The Art of Surfing. 

Today’s takeaway: To succeed you have to step out of your comfort zone…and yes it will be uncomfortable. I didn’t realise that many New Zealand surfers struggle in events overseas becasue they are were not exposed to the variety of waves and wave breaks we’re exposed to all year round. 

Therefore when they entered an overseas competition, they were way out of their comfort zone and would often get smashed due to their lack of practice in unfamiliar surf conditions. Those that succeeded, put in the time and money to train in these unfamiliar conditions until the uncomfortable became comfortable. Those that stayed in their comfort zone, in New Zealand, failed. 

My Thoughts: How often are you challenging yourself, or are you just going through your normal day-to-day motions playing it safe? How often are you doing things that make you feel uncomfortable? If you’re never uncomfortable, you’re never going to growing. 



Dr Tyson E. Franklin