Saturday, 10 June 2017

Hour 201 - The Art of Mastering YOU

HOUR 201: EOFire podcast with John Lee Dumas, Episode 1608: The Art Of Mastering YOU with RJ Hodges. 

Today’s takeaways:

#1: You need to invest in yourself. You need to invest money into your education, and if you don’t have money, invest your time. There’s a ton of free information online if you go looking for it. 
#2: You need to know who YOU are before any program is really going to make a change. So listening to 5 Ways to Become Rich won’t have much meaning or benefit until you master YOU first. 
#3: Entrepreneurship is all about serving other people and leaving a legacy, it’s not about standing in front a Lamborghini telling people how to get rich. 
Bonus Tip: (These are awesome) 
Every business owner needs to Criticise, Analyse and Publicise their own business. 
  • Critic your own business everyday - Pull it apart and have clients give you honest, good, bad and ugly feedback. 
  • Analyse your processes. Are they working? Don’t get stuck on a strategy that’s not working just becasue you paid good money for it.  
  • Publicise - How do you communicate to your clients. Ho do you specifically do it and what is unique and innovative about you. 
RJ Hodges website:
Facebook Pages: @rjhodgesspeaks and @superiorentrepreneur

Dr. Tyson E. Franklin
'Helping Business Owners Think Differently'

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