Friday, 16 June 2017

Hour 206: Stick To Your Word

HOUR 206: The Charged Life with Brendon Burchard, episode date 21/3/17: Stick To Your Word:

If you’re someone who constantly lets people down, here are four tips to help you stick to your word. 

#1: Stop committing to things that you have no passion for. Learn to say no now and you won’t have to say sorry later. 

#2: Respect other peoples time. You cancelling is disrespectful. The other person has a ‘to do list’ for the day and priorities as well. They would probably prefer to spend more time with their family and kids, but instead they’ve committed to you. Be respectful. 

#3: Know your payoff. Why did you commit in the first place? What were you going to ‘get’ or ‘give’? So if you’re about to flake out, remember why you said yes. 

#4: You break it you buy it. You must repair the damage for breaking your word. You could send them a very kind email or audio message apologising. A small gift to say sorry, or give them more than they were expecting on your nest meeting. If you were initially going to give them 30 minutes of your time, instead give them 60 minutes. You must be more generous if you truly want to repair the relationship.

Dr. Tyson E. Franklin

Hour 205: Transition Out of Professional Sport with Ged Robinson

HOUR 205: Uncomfortable is OK podcast with Chris Desmond, Episode 44: The Transition Out Of Professional sport with Ged Robinson. 

Ged Robinson was a professional rugby player for over ten years and now owns a business called Fed by Ged. 

Today’s takeaway points:
# 1: Don’t wait until your career is coming to an end or your business is taking a downturn before starting to develop and learn new skills. Do it when times are good as well so you are fully prepared for whatever happens in the future. 
# 2: There are two mindsets. A ‘Growth Mindset’ and a ‘ Fixed Mindset’. 
People with a growth mindset believe they can do anything if they put in the hard work and they have no boundaries or limitations on what they think they can achieve. 
People with a fixed mindset are born with a gift and won’t pursue anything outside of their basic skill set. They have limited beliefs around growth. 
Fed by Ged:

Dr. Tyson E. Franklin

Wednesday, 14 June 2017

Hour 204 - Habits & Discipline

HOUR 204: The One Thing podcast with Geoff Woods, Episode 3: How Habits and Discipline helped Chris Heller become CEO of Kellor Williams. 

Todays’ takeaway points:
#1: As soon as you start implementing Time Blocking you begin to realise how many loose ends you have in both your personal and business life. Loose ends will be constant interruptions if you let them. 
#2: People fail to use Time Blocking effectively because they have not created the habit of doing it. No different to exercise, we all know it’s good for us, but we fail to do it because there’s no habit to do it. 
#3: Lack of time is not the problem, it’s lack of commitment and losing sight of the ‘one thing’ that’s important. 


Tyson E Franklin

Hour 203 - Procrastination To Action - PART 2

HOUR 203: Positive Play podcast with Cannon Lee and Triz Garcia, Episode 24: Procrastination to Action with Dean Hawkins. PART TWO. 

Today’s takeaway points:

#1: One way to overcome procrastination is to be both well organised and well prepared, and to understand that FEAR is just that little child in your head telling you that you cannot do it, but if you’re well organised and prepared you’ll know exactly what to do when this occurs.  

#2: The difference between someone who is lucky and someone who is not lucky is simply preparedness, they have goals, they know their why, they’ve spent time educating themselves and gaining knowledge. Basically they’re ready for luck yo come their way. 

Dean discusses 5 points to overcome procrastination, which I won’t go into here, because it’s quite detailed, however I think you should put some time aside and listen to them. 

Dean’s website:

Hour 202 - Procrastination To Action

HOUR 202: Positive Play podcast with Cannon Lee and Triz Garcia, Episode 24: Procrastination to Action with Dean Hawkins. This podcasts episode is over 1.5 hours so I have decided to split it over two walks, therefore today is PART ONE.

Today’s takeaway points:
#1: Before you’ll ever have an AHA moment, your mind must first to be open to new ideas and suggestions. This may sound a little whoo whoo, but messages do come from the universe so you must be open and ready for them. 
#2: You need to know WHY you’re doing something and it must align with your VALUES. 
For example, you may want to lose weight and if you lose half a kilo, basically you’ve achieved your goal, but if you’re morbidly obese, losing half a kilo is not going to make too much difference. You’ve got to have a bigger WHY and there needs to be more meaning behind it. 

Dean’s website:

Tyson E. Franklin

Saturday, 10 June 2017

Hour 201 - The Art of Mastering YOU

HOUR 201: EOFire podcast with John Lee Dumas, Episode 1608: The Art Of Mastering YOU with RJ Hodges. 

Today’s takeaways:

#1: You need to invest in yourself. You need to invest money into your education, and if you don’t have money, invest your time. There’s a ton of free information online if you go looking for it. 
#2: You need to know who YOU are before any program is really going to make a change. So listening to 5 Ways to Become Rich won’t have much meaning or benefit until you master YOU first. 
#3: Entrepreneurship is all about serving other people and leaving a legacy, it’s not about standing in front a Lamborghini telling people how to get rich. 
Bonus Tip: (These are awesome) 
Every business owner needs to Criticise, Analyse and Publicise their own business. 
  • Critic your own business everyday - Pull it apart and have clients give you honest, good, bad and ugly feedback. 
  • Analyse your processes. Are they working? Don’t get stuck on a strategy that’s not working just becasue you paid good money for it.  
  • Publicise - How do you communicate to your clients. Ho do you specifically do it and what is unique and innovative about you. 
RJ Hodges website:
Facebook Pages: @rjhodgesspeaks and @superiorentrepreneur

Dr. Tyson E. Franklin
'Helping Business Owners Think Differently'

Monday, 5 June 2017


HOUR 200: In Top Form podcast with Somnath Sikdar and Pat Flynn, Episode 7: Fitness Minimalism - Part 2

If you want to learn more about ‘fasting’ and creating a calorie deficit you need to listen to the full episode. I’m not going to discuss this topic, becasue it’s too important and i don’t want to stuff it up. 

Today’s takeaway points:

#1: Make your ‘work-life’ fit around your exercise schedule, not visa versa. If you try and fit exercise in around work, it will never happen, but if you fit work in around your exercise schedule, ‘Parkinson’s Law’ will make sure you get the work done. 

#2: To master any skill, FREQUENCY is the key. For example, playing the guitar 15 - 20 minutes per day is far better than trying to play for 1.5 hours once per week. Exercise is no different. 

#3: When something is EASY to do, it’s also easy NOT to do. 


Tyson E Franklin

Hour 199 - Fitness Minimalism - PART ONE

HOUR 199: In Top Form podcast with Somnath Sikdar and Pat Flynn, Episode 6: Fitness Minimalism - Part 1

Fitness minimalism: Doing the least amount you need to do to achieve your fitness goals, but this applies to both fitness and business. 

Todays takeaways: 
  1. Look at your fitness goal like the old food pyramid: At the bottom you have Low Intensity Steady State cardio (LISS), such as walking 20 to 60 minutes per day. You can add a FORCE MULTIPLIER such as listening to a podcast. In the middle you have Strength and Resistance Training, 3 times per week and at the top you have Metabolic Condition. This is high intensity exercise, 1 - 3 times per week and no more. 
  2. Never forget why you started exercising in the first place. Was it to get fir, lose weight, get toned, etc. It wasn’t to be addicted and have it overtake your life. 
  3. Don’t forget to Meditate and look after your mind. 

Dr. Tyson E. Franklin

Sunday, 4 June 2017

Hour 198 - Networking and Referrals

HOUR 198: Open Roll podcast with Jurgen Rudolph, Episode 84: Networking and Referrals. 

Three takeaway points:

1. When you’re at a networking event you will be asked the obvious question: WHAT DO YOU DO? You need to have an answer and you cannot hesitate. 

I was at a speaking event yesterday, Small Biz Big Future, and one of my fellow speakers and friends Nicky Jurd, from Precedence, nailed this question. “So Nicky what do you do?” Her response is, “I build websites for Business People”. She doesn’t say I’m in I.T. 
Nicky gave another example of an Accountant. “I help business people reduce their tax”. This is much better than saying I’m an Accountant. 

2. Be specific on the type of referrals you want. If you’re ideal clients are under 30 with young families, then tell people that’s what you want.

3. When someone tells you their business has grown 25% over the past 12-months, make sure you ask them how they did it. Don’t just nod your head and say that’s great. They will openly share what they’ve been up to. 


Tyson E Franklin

Hour 197 - Ninja Tactics For Delegation

HOUR 197: The Lions Den For Business Men with Robert Mallon and Bill Watkins. Episode 192: Ninja Tactics For Delegation. 

Here are my takeaway points:
  1. It shows a little arrogance if you don’t think you can delegate anything, becasue no one can do it as good as you. 
  2. Common excuse for not delegating - I don’t have time. If you perform a task each week and it takes you 30 minutes, that’s 26 hours a year spent on that one task. Now, it may take you two hours to train someone else to do this task, but when you do it will give you back 24 hours per year…that’s three full work days, a long weekend off and more time with your family. 
  3. Write a list of all the things you currently do that you perform like a Ninja Master, and another list of all the things you do not perform Ninja Master….Delegate list number two. 

Dr. Tyson E. Franklin

Hour 196 - Martial Arts Develops The Body, Mind & Spirit

HOUR 196: The Body Wisdom podcast with Dr. Michele, Episode date: 15/3/17 - Martial Arts Develops The Body, Mind & Spirt with Somnath Sikdar. 

If you’ve done martial arts previously, considering starting, or thinking about it for your kids, you’ll love this episode, and you’ll have a better understanding of what makes martial arts really cool. 
Today’s takeaway points:
  1. Being a teacher of any sort is extremely rewarding, especially when you see the student learn, grow and succeed in all their endeavours. 
  2. Goal Setting: Here’s a fact I didn’t know. 80% of people give up on their new years resolutions by February 8th. Why does this happen? Becasue they focus too much on the outcome and not the steps required to reach the goal. 
Somnath gives a great example of someone wanting to earn a black belt. He said they won’t succeed if that’s all they focus on. They have to look at all the steps required and along the path toward earning a black belt. Plus they need to know WHY that want the black belt in the first place. 

Dragon Gym:

Dr. Tyson E. Franklin