Tuesday, 30 May 2017

Hour 195 - The # 2 Way To Grow Your Business

HOUR 195: Marketing In Your Car with Russell Brunson, Episode 319: The # 2 Way To Grow Your Business. 

In this podcast the host is quoting the three ways to grow your business from Jay Abraham and how he has used number # 2 in his own business. 

# 1 - Get more customers
# 2 - Get your customers to buy more
# 3 - Get your customers to buy more often 

Nothing really new here, but it's a good refresher. 

Tyson E. Franklin

Hour 194 - Reset Your Thinking

HOUR 194: OPERATION SELF RESET with Jake Nawrocki, Episode date 21/2/17 - Your Questions Answered (Reset Your Thinking)

Here’s my takeaway:

Notre Dame Football Team have a sign above their dressing room door that says, ‘Play Like A Champion Today’, and every player hits it as they leave the room and prior to taking the field. 

To apply this to your own life you could set up a similar sign, or instead use the doorway as a trigger to remind yourself to reset your thinking. Stand up tall, correct your posture, think about your breathing and reset your mind. 
Great advice!!!

iTunes: http://apple.co/2nzeMhl

Tyson E Franklin www.tysonfranklin.com


HOUR 193: The DENT podcast with Glen Carlson, Ep: 44 - Perfect Your Pitch with Daniel Priestley. 

With my video today, just as you think I’m ending, I’ve added a bonus takeaway, so please watch to the end if you have the time…it’ll be worth it. 

There’s a big difference between Sales and Pitching:

1. Sales is when you’re selling something that physically exists, whereas Pitching is attempting to bring an idea, that doesn’t really exist yet, into reality. 

2. When you’re at a networking event and you’re pitching an idea to someone, a negative response is far better than a polite response, becasue it shows they’ve listened and they are engaging with you. 

3. Your pitch will improve ‘in the market’, not ‘in your head’. So you need to be pitching your idea and using feedback to tweak and improve your pitch. 

4. You know when you’ve done a great pitch, the person walking away will tell the next person they just had a great conversation with you, they won't say you tried to sell to them or pitch to them. 

iTunes: http://apple.co/2ntUo1i

Tyson E. Franklin

Hour 192 - Investing For The Long Game

HOUR 192: The Gary Vee Audio Experience: Dated 10/3/17 - Investing For The Long Game. 

Today’s Takeaway:

* When your business starts making profits you should be reinvesting the profits back into your business, or into another business and keep the money working for you over the long-term, instead of spending the money on short-term rewards. 

* People think they should be rewarding themselves for good work, but as soon as you take the money out of your business, the long-term benefits are over.  

* Gary travels economy even though he could fly in a private jet, but with the money he saves, his long-term goal of buying the New York Jets gets one step closer.  

iTunes: http://apple.co/2ndvLtC

Dr. Tyson E. Franklin


HOUR 191: The Charged Life with Brendon Burchard, Episode date 9/3/17, Stop Quitting Your Goals: Here’s How. 

One of the biggest problems is we set goals, and then we let life get in the way and we forget about them. 

Here are three ways to stop quitting:

1. Bring back your visualisation practice. This needs to be done in the morning and daily. Don’t just visualise achieving the goal, visualise striving for the goal and also the struggles you’re going to go through and how you will overcome them. 


2. Weekly score yourself out of ten. How was your performance? This is not a time to beat yourself up. but more a time to acknowledge where you may have messed up, or done well. You can improve next week. 

3. Get social support. You need to tell your partner, family, friends and everyone else what your goals are. If you keep your goals to yourself, it’s more of a hope than a goal. The more people you tell, the more accountable you are. 


iTunes: http://apple.co/2mvAl4R

Dr. Tyson E. Franklin

Wednesday, 10 May 2017

Hour 190 - Mindful versus Mind Full

HOUR 190: Lewis Howes The School Of Greatness podcast, Episode 453: MINDFUL v MIND FULL.

What’s the difference?

Mind Full is when you’re mind is full of stuff and cluttered. First thing in the morning you’ll grab your phone, or start responding to emails without even thinking. Very little thought goes into your daily planning and you’re very reactive to incoming stimuli. 

Mindful on the other hand is a peaceful, uncluttered mind, that is intentional with every thought, decision and action. A mindful person plans their day and is always present. 
Being mindful is not difficult, you just need to remember to do it. 

iTunes: http://apple.co/2m85c4F

Dr. Tyson E. Franklin

Tuesday, 9 May 2017

Hour 189 - Communicating Over Social Media

The Denise Griffitts podcast, dated 24/2/17, Communicating Over Social Media with Felicia Slattery.

Today’s takeaway points:
  1. Stop posting stuff that wastes everyones time. 
  2. Stop sharing your political opinion…unless you’re a politician. It immediately alienates 50% of the people you know. 
  3. When you post something try and be positive or neutral. If you must be negative, you need to have a good reason. 
  4. People are looking at your social profile and are deciding if they should or should not do business with you, so the a look at your most recent posts…What does it say about you? 
iTunes: http://apple.co/2mEnzRV

Dr. Tyson E. Franklin

Hour 188 - Threats To Your Self Image

HOUR 188: The Ziglar Show podcast with Kevin Miller, Episode 454: Threats To Your Self-Image. 
At the beginning of this episode Zig outlines numerous threats to developing a low self-image, especially in children. 

Here are my takeaway points.
  1. The best thing a parent can do for their child is to show them unconditional love, regardless of their personal achievements or failures. 
  2. A research study of 300 world leaders identified that 75% were abused or came from poverty, so it’s not what happens to you, it’s how you handle what happens to you. 
  3. Never compare yourself to other people, especially famous people. The media constantly rams this down our throats, but it’s not a true reflection of reality. Famous people (sport, movies, music etc) only make up less than 1% of all the millionaires in the world. The other 99% are just normal people. They walk past you every day going unnoticed. 
Try reading a book called The Millionaire Next Door. 

iTunes: http://apple.co/2n82BZr

Dr. Tyson E. Franklin

Thursday, 4 May 2017

Hour 187: Excel At Sales Even If You're Not A Sales Person

HOUR 187: The Savvy Dentist with Dr. Jesse Green, Episode 50: Excel At Sales Even If You’re Not A Sales Person with Matthew Kimberley. 

Matthew Kimberley is the author of How To Get A Grip

Here are today’s takeaway points:
  1. Think of sales like going to the gym to work out and build muscles. It all comes down to good form and repetition. Getting better at sales is no different. 
  2. Sales is just a game, and like any game, once you know the rules it becomes much easier to understand. 
  3. What are you passionate about? Use this in your marketing and sales process becasue it will help you connect with people. 
Not mentioned on the video:
  • Throughout the sales process, you have to know what you want your client to do next. 
  • Always assume the sale is going to happen and they will say yes. 
  • Learn to ASK people for stuff and you’ll find it’s not so scary. For example, ask for a discount the next time you’re at a shop, or ask a complete stranger if you can use their phone. Don’t give a reason, just try ASKING and see what happens. If they say NO, that’s fine…nobody died. 
Jesse’s Website: http://drjessegreen.com/
Matthew’s Website: http://www.matthewkimberley.com/

Dr. Tyson E. Franklin www.tysonfranklin.com

Hour 186: Control and Self-Control

HOUR 186: Morning Mindfulness with Dr. Jin. This is a series of short 2 minute episodes designed to get your head in the right frame of mind for the day. Here are my takeaway points.
  1. CONTROL: There’s things you can control and things you cannot. You cannot control gravity or the sun rising or the sun setting, but what you can control is your attitude and how you approach each day. 
  2. SELF-CONTROL: Some people say they can’t control their daily actions, including what they eat and drink, but this is not true, you do have a choice. Unlike hitting your thumb with a hammer and yelling, that’s an involuntary response and out of your control. 
  3. A good warrior can win a war, but a great warrior can maintain peace without there ever being a battle. 
iTunes: http://apple.co/2lXTKZy

Tyson E Franklin

Hour 185: Paid to Laid (Tinder)

HOUR 185: Optimal Startup Daily with Justin Malik and Lee Rankinen, Episode 61: Paid To Laid (Tinder). 

Why is Tinder so successful? Because of a term called Simple Stupid. 

Tinder has simplified the dating industry to a simple swipe left or swipe right to show interest. 

There’s no need to give a star rating from 1 to 5, or the need to send a message to make initial contact like other dating sites. All the obstacles have been removed and simplified and they’ve turned it into a game, which is why people keep going back.  

Here’s my takeaway: How can this Simple Stupid method be used in your own life and business? What obstacles can be remove to make interacting with you and your business far easier? 

Dr. Tyson E. Franklin

Hour 184 - Stephen Wonderboy Thompson

HOUR 184: UFC Unfiltered with Jim Norton and Matt Serra, Episode 73: Stephen ‘Wonderboy’ Thompson. 

If you’re not a UFC fan, it’s unlikely you’ll want to listen to this podcast, however I think it’s important to listen to podcasts outside of your usual comfort zone, because it opens your mind and there’s always something to learn, regardless of who’s saying it. 

Today’s takeaway points:

1. Face your FEARS. No matter how small or big, face them head-on until you overcome them. This will set you up well for future obstacles. 

2. Elite fighters don’t give up when they get defeated. Instead they learn from their errors, adapt, make the necessary changes and long-term become better fighters. Everyone should follow this philosophy in both their personal and business lives. Giving up is not an option. 

Just incase you’re brave enough to listen to something different, here is the iTunes link, but be warned it is UNFILTERED: http://apple.co/2lLotZz