Saturday, 29 April 2017

Hour 183 - Guest Blogging

HOUR 183: Interview Connections podcast with Jessica Rhodes, Episode 127: Guest Blogging with Maggie Patterson. This podcast series was previously called Rhodes To Success and I discussed Jessica’s rebranding decision in Hour 167. 

This episode is all about guest blogging, and if you want to be a guest blogger you’ll get a lot out of listening to this, however my takeaway points have got more to do with getting feedback and using it to become a better writer. 
  1. When you approach an organisation or individual to be a guest blogger, expect rejection, especially if you have not yet built credibility as a blogger or writer in your space. 
  2. When someone does say yes, you may also be asked to re-write your blogs. This doesn’t mean you’re a bad writer, but you may need to adjust your style of writing to suit their audience. So expect criticism and feedback and take it on board to become better. 
When I first started shooting my videos, Greg Buckley gave me a few tips on where my eyes should be looking, and this valuable piece of advice has definitely helped me engage more with the audience. 

Dr. Tyson E. Franklin

Hour 182 - Better Questions For Better Answers - PART 2

HOUR 182: In Top From podcast with Dave Frees, Alex Frees and Somnath Sikdar, Episode 2: Better Questions For Better Answers & Results For Your Business - Part 2. 

There is no way I can do justice to this episode, you need to listen to it fully, but here are a few takeaway points. 
  1. Ask yourself this question on a regular basis: What would have to happen for you to change your mind? This question makes you open your mind in advance to change. 
  2. Some people say that change causes them stress, but this is not true. It’s the resistance to change that causes stress. Therefore embrace change and decrease stress. 
  3. If you’re living with regret you’re living in the past. If your living with anxiety you’re living in the future, but if you’re living with happiness you’re living in the present. 
  4. When you consciously think about your breathing…like right now, you’re living in the present. 



Hour 181- Better Questions For Better Answers - PART 1

HOUR 181: In Top From podcast with Dave Frees, Alex Frees and Somnath Sikdar, Episode 1: Better Questions For Better Answers & Results For Your Business - Part 1. 

Here are todays takeaway points:
  1. When you go to an event tell your RAS beforehand that you’re going to get at least one great takeaway point by attending, even if the event starts poorly.  
  2. Use TIME BLOCKING and allow time for deep thought. As an entrepreneur you sometimes feel you need to always be doing something…BUT  remember ‘Action Drives Out Thought’. 
  3. If someone comes to you with a problem, make sure they also come to you with at least three solutions. Dave said four or five solutions are even better. 


Sunday, 23 April 2017

Hour 180: How to Generate Revenue Through Writing

HOUR 180: EOFIRE Podcast with John Lee Dumas, Episode 1583: How To Generate Revenue Through Writing with Kathryn Trudeau from Parent Co

Todays takeaways are not about writing. Kathryn is an author and regular contributor to parenting publications, and she shares two very cool tips. 
  1. There’s a big difference between Discipline and Punishment. Discipline is derived from the word disciple, meaning to teach. So when you’re disciplining a child, a co-worker or an employee, your role is to teach them, not to punish them. 
  2. To get more done during the day you must focus on doing the things that NEED to be done FIRST, and when they’re all done you can move onto the things you WANT to do. Get this right and you’ll get more done. 
John’s Website:
Kathryn’s website:

Tyson E Franklin

Saturday, 22 April 2017

Hour 179: Secrets to Getting Podcast Sponsorship

HOUR 179: Should I Start A Podcast with Ronsley Vaz, Episode 68: Secrets To Getting Your Podcast Sponsored with Aaron Fifield. 

If you don’t have a podcast…THAT’S FINE, listen anyway as there are some good tips here. 
  1. Guests: When Aaron invited guests for his own podcast, Chat With Traders, some would say yes, even though there was no direct benefit for them, but they did it becasue they were paying it forward, whereas others would say no, becasue they didn’t want to share their secrets. (Tools) 
  2. Aaron will always try and engage with people who have reached out and contacted him. He mentioned some podcasters act a bit too ‘Hollywood’ and think they are overly important. (Also Tools)
  3. Why sponsors are important: When you do a podcast it often takes a lot of time and planning and therefore it costs you money to produce. Podcasts are free for the listener, but not for the podcaster. Sponsorship helps offset some of these costs. 
But with all sponsorship there must be value for the sponsor. Sponsorship without value is just a donation. 
Aaron’s Website:

Dr. Tyson E. Franklin

Friday, 21 April 2017

Hour 178 - How To Get Smart

HOUR 178: Three Month Vacation podcast with Sean D’Souza, Episode 127: How To Get Smart (& Stay Smart)

Three tips / takeaways:
  1. Learn all you can in your own field. It’s impossible to learn everything, but you must stay on a continual path of learning. Learning is non-negotiable. 
  2. Learn in areas you have no expertise and never will. This will open your mind to new ideas, give you more confidence and make you more creative, which will help you in your main profession. Being smart means knowing the world around you. 
  3. How do you find time to learn more in your own expertise and also learn more about areas not in your expertise? It’s simple, put limits on your schedule and on your time. You become smarter by putting limits on the world you live in.  

Dr. Tyson E. Franklin

Tuesday, 18 April 2017

Hour 177: Execution is Everything with Maude Leger

HOUR 177: Open Roll with Jurgen Rudolph, the weekly podcast for the business artist. Taking you from a white belt to a black belt. 

Episode # 77: Execution is Everything with Maude Leger, from Sold Right Away, which is a real estate marketing business. 

The episode title sums up the main takeaway point from the podcast:

Execution is everything. You can have a lot of great ideas, but if they just sit there doing nothing and you never take action, or even attempt to execute them in some way…they’re worthless. 

An unexecuted idea is as powerful as no idea at all. 

Also if you want to learn more about using drones in your marketing, you’ll enjoy this episode. i just wished the interview went a little longer. 

Maude’s Website:

Dr. Tyson E. Franklin

Hour 176: Four Habits I Had To Kick To Succeed

Hour 176: The $100 MBA podcast with Omar Zenhom, Episode 863: 4 Habits I Had To Kick To Succeed. 

Here are the four habits people need to overcome, or create to be more successful. 
  1. Not fully believing in yourself and your product. If you don’t believe in yourself or your product it will come through in your communication, but if you do believe fully…you need to express it and success will follow.  
  2. Not prioritising what makes your business continue to exist. This is where the 80:20 rule applies with production versus consuming. You should be spending 80% of your time producing and only 20% consuming. 
  3. Not separating planning from implementation. Do not plan and implement at the same time, it’s too inefficient. Instead plan, then implement. You may plan one day and implement the next. 
  4. Under communicating. We should never assume the person we’re communicating with actually understand what we want, or what we’re saying. When in doubt…Over communicate. 
Remember, habits are created over a long period of time and if you turn your back on them, even for a short moment, it can be difficult to get back on track. 


Dr. Tyson E. Franklin

Hour 175 - The Surprising Benefits Of Marriage For Men

Hour 175: The Art Of Manliness with Brett McKay, Episode 278: The Surprising Benefits Of Marriage For Men with Brad Wilcox. Big thank you to Dave Frees for putting me onto this podcast.
This podcast episode is jammed packed with relevant information about marriage, relationships and fatherhood and I recommend every male should listen to it, regardless of your current relationship status. 

So Here’s my simple takeaway points:

Married men make more money, have better health and have more quality sex than single men. BOOM!!!!! Need I say anymore. 

But I will. 
  • Married men will invest more time, money and energy into their relationship. 
  • Children feel more stable when their parents are married. 
  • Parents and In-laws will give more of themselves when a couple are married. 
There's so much more in the podcast. 


Dr. Tyson E. Franklin

Friday, 7 April 2017

Hour 174 - What Do You Think We Should Do

HOUR 174: Small Business Success podcast with Clate Mask and Scott Martineau, Episode 44: What Do You Think We Should Do? With David Finkel. 

Here are my two takeaway points:

Company Culture: When David merged his company with a similar company it all seemed great in the beginning until he realised they had different company cultures, which was causing conflict. He eventually bought them out, because he knew it was not going to work long-term. 

Delegation: Stop trying to fix every business problem yourself. Due to mental muscle memory we tend to dive in out of habit when a problem arises. Instead ask them,”What do you think we should do”? And then let them come up with the solution. It may slow the process initially, but it will give you more freedom longterm. 


Hour 173 - Writing Your Own Story

HOUR 173: Living Intentionally with Amy Smalarz, Episode date 7/2/17: Writing Your Own Story with Ryan Stewman. 

Here’s is today’s main takeaway point: 

We’re all wired differently and how our DNA is wired determines who and what we become, and when this is combined with the voices in your head, telling us what we should and shouldn’t be doing…We need to start listening. 

Here’s the analogy that Ryan uses, which I think is brilliant. Imagine if you were wired to be a Mac computer, but you’ve tried to live your life like you’re a PC. What would happen?

The end result would be constant bugs and errors, unhappiness and constant conflict. Over time people try to numb these feelings with alcohol and drugs. 

However once they start living with intention, and start to listen to the voices in your head and they way that you’re wired, you’ll find you’ll start doing the things that really make you happy. 
Ryan’s Website:

Dr. Tyson E. Franklin

Hour 172 - High Performance

HOUR 172: The Charged Life with Brendon Burchard: #1 Starting Point to Hit High Performance. 

It’s all about Clarity. High performers have clarity in three specific areas.
  1. Clarity around who they are and of their own intentions. 
  2. Clarity with their interactions. They are strategic in all their meetings. They think about what’s in it for them and the other person prior to the meeting. 
  3. Clarity around what made them a success. How did they succeed, and this is not about their own strengths and weaknesses, it’s about knowing what gave them the edge over their competitors. And are they doing it now? 
Side note: This is a 20 minute podcast and only 7 minutes and 15 seconds are dedicated to this topic, the remaining 12 minutes and 45 seconds are promoting an upcoming event and testimonials. 

iTunes: iTunes:

Dr. Tyson E. Franklin