Tuesday, 14 February 2017

Hour 165: More Juice From The Squeeze

HOUR 165: In Top Form Facebook LIVE video with Dave Free and Somnath Sikdar, dated 13/2/17: More Juice From The Squeeze. 

Once again there was a ton of information and what I’m sharing only scratches the surface, but here I go:
  1. The Robot Mind: How much of our day is controlled by our robot brain compared to what we do consciously? Often we just go through the motions each day without much thought
  2. During an argument, have you got the conscious ability to step back from the situation and see it from another perspective. Can you understand their point or view as well as your own. No one goes into an argument knowing they are wrong. 
  3. Be a Minimalist: It’s not about going without, it’s all about cutting things back to a realistic and practical minimum and by doing this is can clear your mind, give you more focus and long-term produce better results. 
Facebook Link: https://www.facebook.com/intopform/


Monday, 13 February 2017

Hour 164 - SLEEP MORE (Persistence Podcast with Robyn Hartung)

HOUR 164: PERSISTENCE podcast with Robyn Hartung, Episode date 31/01/17: SLEEP MORE with Lindsay Kaalberg from Ritual Hot Yoga. 

Now before you switch off because I used the word yoga - stay tuned for some great advice. 
Todays takeaway points:
  1. If you don’t like the culture of your profession, then make an effort to change it.  
  2. You either work or you don’t. If you’re thinking about work when you shouldn’t be, either pick up your laptop and start working, or learnt to stop thinking about work and relax. 
  3. If you don’t sleep enough, you may think you’re doing okay, but it’s going to have an impact on the people around you. How is your lack of sleep effecting your relationship? Too often we forget about this. 

Tyson E. Franklin

Sunday, 12 February 2017


HOUR 163: PODCAST NAME WITHHELD: I did listen to a podcast during my walk today, however…I got nothing from it and this annoyed me. 

It was a mishmash of thoughts and topics and there didn’t seem to be any real goal or point to the episode. When it finished I was dumbfounded. 

I’ve been doing some work recently with a friend of mine, Ronsley Vaz from Amplify, and we’ve been discussing podcasting. Ronsley’s number one message is always…”What’s the promise you’re making to your listeners when they tune in”? 

After listening to the podcast today i felt the podcaster had broke their promise to me, becasue what I got was not why I normally tune it. 

So here are my takeaway points:
  • Podcasters: Stay on track, remember why you started your podcast and make sure you live up to the promise you made to your listeners. They tune in for a reason. 
  • Business Owners: When you set up your business, you also made a promise to your customers and clients, which is why they chose your business over others, so don’t deviate too far from what made you a success. 
Tyson E. Franklin

Saturday, 11 February 2017

HOUR 162: Jumping Into Your Career Headfirst (Happy Lawyer Happy Life)

HOUR 162: Happy Lawyer Happy Life Podcast with Clarissa Rayward, Ep: 22 - Jumping Into Your Career Headfirst with Jennifer McArdle. 

Yes this podcast is aimed at lawyers, but you can learn a lot by listening to what other professions have to say. 

Today’s takeaway points:
  • Our brains can be like teflon: We have a tendency to let the good things that happen to us in life slide right pass, without too much thought, while we tend to hold onto the negative things that happen far too long. We need to reverse this. 
  • When you’re first starting out in your career, regardless of what it is, jump in headfirst and try everything, you may be surprised by what you like and it could be completely different to what you thought would excite you. Expose yourself to new things. 

Clarissa’s website: http://www.thehappyfamilylawyer.com/

Tyson E. Franklin

Friday, 10 February 2017

Hour 161: Your Health & Happiness with Kathryn Kemp Guylay

HOUR 161: EOFire Podcast with John Lee Dumas, Episode 1572: Improve Your Health & Happiness with Kathryn Kemp Guylay.

Here are today’s takeaway points:
  • Willpower, like discipline is a limited resource, meaning you have far more of it in the morning that you do at the end of the day, therefore don’t waste it on checking emails and social media, use it for the most important tasks first. 
  • Focusing on one thing is far more effective than trying to multitask. Multitasking takes more time because you have to change gears. 
Chinese Proverb: 
If there’s light in the soul, there will be beauty in the person
If there’s beauty in the person, there will be harmony in the house
If there’s harmony in the house, there will be order in the nation
If there’s order in the nation, there will be piece in the world

Podcast Website: http://www.eofire.com/

Kathryn’s Website: http://www.makewellnessfun.com/

Dr. Tyson E. Franklin

Hour 160: Self Acceptance Doesn't Suck (The Charged Life)

Hour 160: The Charged Life with Brendon Burchard, Episode date 1/2/17; Self-Acceptance Doesn’t Suck. 

This was by far the hardest walk of all. Just before starting my walk our Vet called to inform me that our 5-year old dog Malibu has cancer and needed to be put to sleep and I had to break this news to my 12-year old daughter. 

But here are my takeaway points: 
  • You have to learn to be at piece with what is, especially if you can’t change it. 
  • Engage with it and don’t hide, even if it’s painful. 
  • Forgive yourself for all the dumb shit you’ve done or what others have done to you…be at piece. 
iTunes: http://apple.co/2kWUAYK

Tyson E Franklin

HOUR 159: Using Everything You Have To Make It Happen For Yourself

HOUR 159: The Rich20Something podcast with Daniel DiPiazza, Episode 1: Using Everything You Have To Make It Happen For Yourself. That’s the title on iTunes, but on the Rich20Something website it has Episode 1: Take The Leap with Matt Nelson. 

Today’s Takeaways:
  • Risk Tolerance: To what extent is someone willing to take a risk. Some people are not risk takers at all and choose a safer path, which may limit their success. 
  • The word Entrepreneur is totally overused. Some people are Wantrepreneurs or simply Freelancers (Seth Godin has mentioned this also)
  • When you find the job you love, there are still going to be times of boredom and repetition. Every occupation has this. 
  • Bamboo Analogy: When a bamboo seed is planted it needs to be watered constantly and after three years very little happens, but suddenly it starts to grows and when it does it grows a hundred feet in a few weeks. This applies to how someone becomes an overnight success….They Don’t. There’s a lot of work  and time that goes in behind the scene that no one ever sees…then just like bamboo…Boom!!!!

Website: http://rich20something.com/

Dr. Tyson E. Franklin

Tuesday, 7 February 2017

Hour 158: Using Food To Heal Your Body, Your Sleep & Your Productivity

HOUR 158: Body Wisdom podcast with Dr. Michele, episode date 25/1/17: Using Food To Heal Your Body, Your Sleep, and Your Productivity with Emi Kirschner. 
Today’s Takeaway Points:

* Most people are aware what you eat has an effect on your health, but it also has an effect on your sleep and therefore a direct effect on your productivity and success as a business person and entrepreneur.  

* Don’t think of changing your eating habits as another ‘thing’ you need to add to your already busy life, instead look at it as a slight lifestyle change. It all begins with small changes and these small changes over time will develop into something much larger. 

* It all starts with creating a good morning routine. What you eat, how you think and how you prepare for the day pays bug dividends. 

Dr. Michele’s Website: http://www.drmichele.com

Dr. Tyson E. Franklin

Monday, 6 February 2017

HOUR 157: How To Know When It's Time To Make A Change

HOUR 157: The $100 MBA Show with Omar Zenhom, Episode 856: How To Know When It’s Time To Make A Change. 

When you’re starting out in business you’ll say yes to a lot of opportunities, and you should, because you don’t know where they’re going to take you, but eventually you’re going to get busy and when you do, something has to give. 

And here’s the big takeaway: You’ll know when it’s time to make a change in your business, becasue you’ll realise you can’t grow it any further doing things the way you’re currently doing them. 

Omar is the creator of Webinar Ninja and he decided wanted to grow this part of his business further, but having a podcast series that’s produced daily takes up a lot of time, therefore he decided to cut it back to a weekly show, allowing him more time to focus on his Ninja project. Plus he’s also updating his team. 

Website: https://100mba.net/show/

Dr. Tyson E. Franklin

Sunday, 5 February 2017

Hour 156: How To Write Extremely Detailed Articles Without Getting Tired

HOUR 156: The THREE MONTH VACATION with Sean D’Souza, Episode 111: Part Two - How To Write Extremely Detailed Articles Without Getting Tired. 


Here are my takeaway points:
  • Research takes time and uses a lot of mental energy
  • If you go online to do your research, hours can pass before you know it
  • You need to plan in time to do your research 
  • You need to have a place to store your research ideas and articles, as you come across them (for future use), such as Evernote.
  • Remember your goal is to manage your energy levels, by planning. 

Sean’s Website: https://www.psychotactics.com/

Tyson E. Franklin

Saturday, 4 February 2017

Hour 155: How I Write A 4000 Word Article Without Getting Exhausted

Hour 155: The THREE MONTH VACATION podcast with Sean D’Souza, Episode #111 - Part 1: How I Write A 4000 Word Article Without Getting Exhausted. 

Today’s Takeaway Points:

* To not get exhausted when you’re writing, it’s not all about managing the writing, it’s about managing your energy levels. 

In this podcast Sean shares three techniques to prevent exhaustion, but only goes into detail on the first two in PART 1.

ONE: Put space between your activities
TWO: Use a timer
THREE: Never research when you’re writing the article

* A Rookie writer tries to do everything at the same time. They spend time coming up with an idea, or ideas, then they’ll start writing the article, editing along the way, re-writing, followed by more editing, and then eventually, hours later, they’ll be totally exhausted. Does this sound familiar?   

  • Day one, come up with a few ideas or topics for an article. 
  • Day two, come up with some subtopics.
  • Days three, write the basic outline. 
  • Day four, write the article, but do not edit
  • Day five, edit your article or pass it onto a trusted friend to edit. 
By breaking your writing into smaller bits, it maintains your energy levels and enthusiasm. It may look like it’s now taking you five days to write an article, but in reality you’re probably spending less time on it. 

  • By using a timer you know you have a deadline to meet. When the timer goes off you must stop. This prevents you from getting exhausted. 
In my notes for Hour 148: The EOFire podcast with John Lee Dumas, I mention the Pomodoro Technique. This is worth revisiting. 


Sean’s Website: https://www.psychotactics.com/

Dr. Tyson E. Franklin

Friday, 3 February 2017

Hour 154: Thirty Days - Your First Dollar with Ed Dale: Guest John Reese

HOUR 154: Thirty Days - Your First Dollar with Ed Dale. Episode # 1 with John Reese, the first person to make $1 million dollars in one day online. 

Based on the first episode this is going to be a great podcast series. 

Today’s takeaway points:
  1. You don’t need to be the first person to introduce something new to the market. Sometimes it’s better to come in later when the market has proven itself, and then you can do it better. 
  2. If you want to know where or what you should be marketing - just follow the money. If you follow the money, it will give you an indication to what is hot right now. 
  3. Look at magazine and Facebook advertising: Ads that are regularly repeated is an indication that they’re making money, otherwise they wouldn’t still be doing it. (Follow The Money)

Player FM: http://bit.ly/2jEWPAr

Dr. Tyson E. Franklin

Hour 153: The One-Minute Workout with Dr. Martin Gibala

HOUR 153: The Tim Ferris Show, Episode 217: The One-Minute Workout with Scientist Dr. Martin Gibala. 

If you enjoy staying fit and exercising , you’re going to really enjoy this interview. 
Today’s Takeaways points: 
  1. Research has shown that interval training has many physiological benefits. 
  2. Shorter periods of high-intensity training are just as beneficial as longer periods of low intensity training
  3. Combining interval training with high intensity periods of exercise is not only good for you, it makes finding time to exercise much easier. 
The One-Minute workout: (It does take 10-minutes) 
  • 3-minutes warmup
  • 20 seconds intense exercise
  • 2-minute rest
  • 20 seconds intense exercise
  • 2-minute rest
  • 20 second intense exercise 
  • 2-minute cool down

Tim’s blog: http://bit.ly/2jZiN0m

Dr. Tyson E. Franklin

Hour 152: Business Credit Revealed with Ty Crandall

HOUR 152: Jim Palmer’s Stick Like Glue Radio podcast, Episode 230: Business Credit Revealed with Ty Crandall, international speaker and author of ‘Business Credit Decoded’ and ‘Perfect Credit’. 

A lot of the information talked about in this podcast may be American based, however the fundamentals are all relevant. Listen o the podcast and then talk with your Accountant or Financial Advisor. 

Here are today’s takeaway points:
  1. You don’t need credit until you need credit, so make sure you look after your personal credit rating. 
  2. Your business will always grow slow if your financing everything yourself, however if you want to expand your business, you’re going to have to borrow money, so it’s important to also have a very good business credit rating, in addition to your personal credit rating. 
Ty’s website: http://tycrandall.com/
Jim’s website: http://www.getjimpalmer.com/

Dr. Tyson E. Franklin