HOUR 228: THE CHARGED LIFE with Brendon Burchard, Episode date: 16/04/17 - Reaching Greatness.
To say, “I’m great”, is a little egotistical, so to be known as great it must come from other people.
Think of all the great people in your life. It could be a parent, a teacher, a friend or someone else you know.
Brendon shares three traits he believes makes someone great.
#1: They live with intention.
#2: They are always kind, no matter the situation.
#3: They are always looking for ways to serve others.
I have a friend Dean Hawkins and he lives and breaths these three traits everyday. He lives with intention, he is extremely kind to everyone, and he is always asking how he can be of service, and I know there are no ulterior motives.
Try and live your life the same way and you will be known as great.
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Tyson E Franklin https://www.tysonfranklin.com
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