Monday, 30 October 2017

Hour 228 - Reaching Greatness with Brendon Burchard

HOUR 228: THE CHARGED LIFE with Brendon Burchard, Episode date: 16/04/17 - Reaching Greatness.  

To say, “I’m great”, is a little egotistical, so to be known as great it must come from other people. 
Think of all the great people in your life. It could be a parent, a teacher, a friend or someone else you know. 

Brendon shares three traits he believes makes someone great.

#1: They live with intention. 
#2: They are always kind, no matter the situation.
#3: They are always looking for ways to serve others. 

I have a friend Dean Hawkins and he lives and breaths these three traits everyday. He lives with intention, he is extremely kind to everyone, and he is always asking how he can be of service, and I know there are no ulterior motives. 
Try and live your life the same way and you will be known as great. 


Hour 227 - Only Kindness Matters

HOUR 227: The Mountain Mantras Podcast with Kathryn Kemp Guylay, Episode 54: Understand That In The End Only Kindness Matters. with Lisa Najjar. 

This podcast is completely different to what I normally listen to and review, and is way outside my comfort zone, but having said that, I really enjoyed the advice shared. 

Lisa Najjar is a Psychic / Medium and author of Dying To Tell You - Channeling Messages From the Famously Dead. 

Today’s Takeaway:

This is a message passed on from the dead to the living: In life you need to give, give give and love, love love. You need to have joy in your heart, love other people and most of all always be kind, because in the end only kindness matters.
Negative environments and relationships create negative energy, because there’s no love, no giving, no joy and no kindness, so remove it from your life. 


Hour 226 - How to Get What You Want

HOUR 226: Positive Play podcast with Cannon Lee and Triz Garcia, Episode date 15/4/17 - How to get what you want and need in life with Karen Luniw, Founder of Attract More Now. 
Today’s Takeaway points:
#1: You need to find ways to stay focused and you need to avoid focusing on what you don’t want. 
#2: You need to FEEL your goals, as though you’ve already achieved them and then use that feeling to excite you. Relive that feeling often. 
#3: Don’t catch the Negative Conclusion Virus. You catch it by saying things like, “I could never do that”, or “I don’t deserve…”. Also avoid listening to other peoples advice, “you can’t do that”. Instead introduce more Positive Conclusions in your life. 


Hour 225 - Sleep & Success

HOUR 225: The $100 MBA podcast with Omar Zenhom, Episode 869: The Surprising Truth About Sleep and Success. 
Today I had my good friend Scott Brown join me for the walk and we both shared one takeaway point. 
#1: Don’t try and copy other successful peoples sleep habits. Just becasue the CEO of Apple wakes up at 3.45am and only require 5 1/2 hours of sleep per day, doesn’t mean that’s what will work best for you. You need to spend time working out what works best for you. 
#2: Everyone is unique and different, so therefore everyones sleep requirements are going to be different. Some people have office jobs, while others work outdoors and have more physical requirements. It’s all about AWARENESS. You need to know your body and how it reacts to travel, stress, exercise , diet and also take into account family commitments. 
Bonus tips: 
  • When you go to sleep and when you wake up makes a big difference. Some people prefer to go to sleep earlier and wake up earlier, while others it’s the opposite.  
  • With your diet, if you eat a heavy meal just before going to bed your body is working harder while your asleep and you won’t feel as rested. Sugar and coffee cravings will also alter your sleeping patterns. 
  • To create any new sleeping habit…Consistency is the key. 

Tyson E Franklin

Hour 224 - How To Get Preferential Treatment

HOUR 224: THE ZIGLAR SHOW podcast with host Kevin Miller, Episode 461: How To Get Preferential Treatment. 

I simply cannot listen to Zig Ziglar and not have a smile on my face and feel good afterwards. 
Today’s takeaway points:
#1: As Zig always says, ‘You can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want’. This quote translates to every aspect of your life. 
#2: Always to kind and thoughtful to the server, they are all human beings and at some point in your life you will also be the sever. 
#3: Winning relationships are built on trust, respect and a genuine interest in the other person. 
A friend of mine, Deb Johnstone, recently said you always get back from a relationship what you put into that relationship. What you reap you will sow. It’s an ENERGY EXCHANGE…Energy In, Energy Out. 
Tyson E Franklin

Hour 223 - Feedback on Pitches

HOUR 223: Interview Connections podcast with Jessica Rhodes & Margy Fuldhuhn, Episode IC002 - Feedback on Pitches & Relationships With Guests. 

INTERVIEW CONNECTIONS is a business that connects podcast hosts with suitable guests for their shows.  

There were two guest on this podcast and I will share one point from each:
Guest #1: Damion Lupo: He gave Jessica positive feedback about how she doesn’t just connect a guest and a host without first listening to the hosts podcast. By doing this she is ENGAGING  withe host and also specifically tailoring the guest introduction. 
Guest #2: Adam Hommey: It’s important to build relationships with your guests to get the most out of an interview…and it’s super important to get their name right. Even if it seems really obvious, always ask the guest how to pronounced their name correctly. 
Even if you have no plans on producing a podcast series, both these tips are important for life and business.   
Also, if you want to lift your personal profile and brand by being a guest on podcasts all over the world, here is the Interview Connections website:

Tyson E. Franklin