Friday, 24 March 2017

HOUR 171 - Analog versus Digital

HOUR 171: In Top Form Facebook LIVE Video with Dave Frees, Alex Frees and Somnath Sikdar, dated 20/02/17: Analog versus Digital. 

Todays Takeaway points:

1. Neuroscience has proven that taking handwritten notes is far better than typing your notes directly into an electronic device, because it sparks off certain areas in your brain. 

2. When your brain is fired up you have better memory recall and retention, more creativity and a better ability to problem solve. It also helps with literacy and critical thinking. 

3. Technology definitely has it’s place and typing directly into an electronic device can be convenient and makes it easy for long-term storage and retrieval, but you could have the best of both worlds, by typing your handwritten notes at a later date.   

Just try it and see what happens. 

Facebook Link:

Dr. Tyson E Franklin

Tuesday, 21 March 2017

HOUR 170 - The Importance of Selecting & Narrowing A Market

HOUR 170: Thirty Days Your First Dollar podcast with Ed Dale, Episode # 2: The Importance Of Selecting & Narrowing A Market. 

There’a a lot of practical information in the podcast and here’s my number one takeaway. 

1. If you’re in a busy train station and you yell out ‘hey you’, it’s unlikely everyone will turn around, however if you said ‘hey you with the red jacket on’, anyone wearing a red jacket will more than likely turn around. If you said ‘hey Paul’, all the Pauls would turn….This is a great analogy to demonstrate narrowing a market. 

2. Now why is this important? When you narrow your market, you also narrow your marketing message and this saves you a lot of money. In contrast you could use a shot gun approach and try to target everyone, but it’s unlikely you’ll have the budget to do this effectively.     


Dr. Tyson E. Franklin

Monday, 20 March 2017

Hour 169 - Mr Unbreakable with Manny Wolfe

HOUR 169: Elevating Beyond Podcast with Mark Minard, Episode #137: Mr. Unbreakable with Manny Wolfe. 

This guy has gone from being part of a CULT to a ‘Best Selling’ Author, so his story is very fascinating and worth listening to.  

Todays takeaway points…there’s two great ones. 
  1. If you have a purpose or a goal that really drives you, whether it’s personal or business related, sometimes you’ve got to disassociate yourself from friends, sometimes even family, if they do not support you in what you’re trying to do. if they’re trying to drag you back onto the pit…you have to move on no matter how panful it is. 
  2. Providing a service versus being of service: When someone agrees to pay you, and you teach them a particular skill, you’re proving them a service, and this is usually money focused. Being of service is all about focusing on how you can be of service to others FIRST, and worrying about the money $$$ SECOND. It’s not money focused and the $$$ always takes care of itself. 

Manny’s Website:

Dr. Tyson E Franklin

Hour 168: Moments of Happiness

HOUR 168: Happier with Gretchen Rubin, Episode # 104: Moments of Happiness. 

This podcast is quite unique because Gretchen lives and New York and she cohosts this podcast with her sister Elizabeth Craft in LA. 

Todays Takeaway:

HAVE A LIFE STORY CONVERSATION - You may think you know your friends, work colleagues, family and parents, but if you have a life story conversation you will learn so much more about them and at a far deeper level. 

First you need to ask there permission and then allow a good hour to do have the conversation. Ask about where they’ve lived, where they went to school and university, why they chose there current career, the sports they’ve played, their interests, clubs and associations they belong to, and pivot points in life, etc etc etc. 

When you get to know them better, you will understand them better. And this is not about prying or pushing the questions too far. It’s all about having an open, honest conversation. 


Dr. Tyson E Franklin

Sunday, 12 March 2017

Hour 167 - Why I'm Rebranding My Podcast

HOUR 167: The Rhodes To Success podcast with Jessica Rhodes, Ep # 129: Why I'm Rebranding My Podcast

This is a great episode about distinguishing between your personal brand and your business brand, and how you can get the two confused. 

Jessica Rhodes is not a mentor or business coach and she is not a paid speaking, however over the past two years she has been accidentally building her personal profile and brand because of her podcast name, but she now realises that she should have been building her business brand Interview Connections. 

This is why the podcast name will change to The Interview Connections podcast and also the podcast format. There will also be multiple co-hosts, not just Jessica. I’m looking forward to seeing how this develops.  

Dr. Tyson E. Franklin 

HOUR 166 - The Most Important Thing You Were Never Taught At School

Hour 166: The Being Happy Podcast with Andrew Matthews, Episode # 6: The Most Important Thing You Were Never Taught At School. 

Today’s Biggest Takeaways:
  • When you tell yourself not to do something, that’s exactly what you’ll do, because your mind sees things in pictures. So if you say don’t spill spaghetti on your shirt, your mind immediately pictures spaghetti on your shirt. 
  • If you focus on what you don’t want…you will get more of what you don’t want, and this also applies to what you do want. 
  • In sport: You can’t win a game by trying not to lose…you must focus on winning. 
Dr. Tyson E. Franklin